Fat Moron Says Woman Who Wanted To Join Taliban is a Brave Young Patriot – IOTW Report

Fat Moron Says Woman Who Wanted To Join Taliban is a Brave Young Patriot

Apparently Rosie O’Donuts is rooting for the Taliban.

Rosie donated $1,000 to her Go Fund Me calling her “a brave young patriot.”

Nice Deb, for PJ Media, is reporting that Reality Winner wanted to join the Taliban.

Feds: Reality Winner Wanted to Burn the White House Down and Join the Taliban

30 Comments on Fat Moron Says Woman Who Wanted To Join Taliban is a Brave Young Patriot

  1. You ougtha be ashamed of yourselves publishing those kinds of pictures where children might see them.

    I thought at first that it was ManBearPig but looked again and it was LesboBearPiglet.

  2. Rolly joins IS. They load her into a captured (Obama donated) C5 Galaxy. It struggles under the combined load of blubbered cetacean and fishtank, but manages to takeoff.

    They fly over Aleppo and bomb Assad, people drowning in the streets flooded with liquid fat.

    It could happen.

  3. It’s a brand new day at DoJ under Sessions and Rosenstein. O’Dumbo and her terrorist-loving friends better get wise or they’ll never get on an airplane again and they’ll just have to get use to those odd clicking noises on their cell phones.

  4. @BB I moved here in ’87. I wasn’t that into grunge and (this will sound dumb) went to many clubs but never paid that close attention to who was playing. Before Mr.Illustr8r, I dated a cop, who guarded Curt Cobain’s house for overtime. I used to bring him lunch and we’d sit and watch groupies. Mr. Illustr8r was much more into the music and he was a bouncer a few times for Soundgarden and The Gits.

  5. i’m sorry but if ms winner is going to jail then explain to me again why hillary and comey are not going to join her ?

    seems that the blindfold of lady justice has been removed.

  6. Meanwhile, reality gets a stiff dose of reality – denied bail.

    “Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a government contract worker with top-secret security clearance, pleaded not guilty Thursday to an espionage charge in federal court in Augusta, Georgia, and was ordered to remain in custody out of concern she poses a risk to national security.”

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