Father Confronts Son About Gun in His Pocket – So Son Opens Fire On Father – IOTW Report

Father Confronts Son About Gun in His Pocket – So Son Opens Fire On Father

The father returns fire. lolol

ht/ js

36 Comments on Father Confronts Son About Gun in His Pocket – So Son Opens Fire On Father

  1. I don’t get it. Father doesn’t want son with gun in the house? So he retrieves his own gun and they have a fire fight? Surely there is more to this that what was in the report.

  2. DavidW March 30, 2021 at 3:35 pm

    I don’t get it. Father doesn’t want son with gun in the house? So he retrieves his own gun and they have a fire fight? Surely there is more to this that what was in the report.

    Only for me but not for thee. Dad’s mistake was missing his son when he pulled the trigger. Son will go on to breed and carry on. Some where down the road the kid will be pushing up daisies.

  3. 1. They both suck at shooting.
    2. Tell me that 26 year-old obtained his gun legally.
    3. What was the son’s objective–to murder his father so he could keep his gun?

  4. Automatic 5 years. Congrats! You won the prize!
    ALWAYS REMEMBER: The average IQ is 100. This means that 1/2 the people you interact with on average aren’t smart enough for their own good. Problem is: they think they are.

  5. One of my sons is a SWAT member and the other is the firearms instructor for his department. Both were Top Shot when they went to the Police Academy. I’m not likely to draw on either one of them anytime soon.

  6. No hatred bud, you’re typical of those devoid of reasoning skillz to put words into my mouth. I prefer to not to live anywhere where more than a occasional sighting of a black is normal. Are you now the arbiter of my freedom of association? My lifetime of experience doesn’t count for shit right?

    I want them to enjoy every opportunity our great country can(used to) provide. Just do it somewhere other than where I live as I’ve done for the past 40 years. No one seems to have been harmed or deprived of anything so what’s your fucking problem?

    There are millions of wonderful black people who want nothing more than to be left the fuck alone just like you and I. That leaves about 39 million that wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire. And most of them would lit the match.

    Take a look around pal, if you’re not seeing what I see than you’re looking through the wrong end.

  7. Did you write this? “If you choose to live among them,”
    Sounds pretty inclusive to me. I mean I wouldn’t want to put words in your mouth or anything. Tommy’S cool with it, that’s great. Obviously a well adjusted man. We’re going to need every conservative we can on our side to fight what the Libtards are pulling. Is there a possibility that bull shit your typing is chasing people away from this sight?
    What color is Antifa? For that matter what’s the predominant skin tone of BLM? Plenty of assholes of every skin color to worry about.

  8. TommyBoy in IN,

    Brad and I would probably agree.

    The “N” word isn’t about “black”; never has been. It’s about the attitude and demeanor of any individual.


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