Father Doesn’t Want To Be Hugged By Returning Vet – IOTW Report

Father Doesn’t Want To Be Hugged By Returning Vet

26 Comments on Father Doesn’t Want To Be Hugged By Returning Vet

  1. pride … respect

    duty … honor … courage

    after all that has been done to emasculate society … there are warriors still

    “We sleep soundly in our beds, because rough men stand ready in the night to do violence on those who would harm us” ~ George Orwell, paraphrasing Rudyard Kipling

  2. Videos such as these can give us hope that maybe, just maybe America will withstand the onslaught of Communism that has perpetrated our beloved nation.🇺🇸

  3. I noticed that serving my mom and dad as their full-time care giver during their last year that my dad started calling me Sir a lot. My dad was an Air Force veteran (1947-1950), and I am his only son out of 4 boys who served in the military. It was humbling to be called Sir by my dad in his last year.

  4. I don’t know. Seems contrived to me. There’s a lot of fake military videos making the rounds on YouTube. Plus the boy’s hair isn’t reg and the acting seems like it’s silent movie material, especially the boys. Like to think it’s real but have my doubts.

  5. Beauty makes me cry. I grabbed the kleenex as soon as he saluted.

    geoff the aardvark, what a sweet memory. God bless you for giving your parents the care when they needed you.


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