Father of Seattle CHOP shooting victim sues state, local government for $3 billion – IOTW Report

Father of Seattle CHOP shooting victim sues state, local government for $3 billion

FOX: The father of a 19-year-old who was shot in the Seattle Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), has filed claims in excess of $3 billion against state and local governments, accusing them of allowing a “state of lawlessness,” according to reports.

Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., 50, previously appeared on “Hannity,” claiming that police and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin had not provided him with any information since his son Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr.’s death on June 20.

“They need to come talk to me and somebody needs to come tell me something, because I still don’t know nothing,” an emotional Anderson told Sean Hannity. “Somebody needs to come to my house, and knock on my door and tell me something. I don’t know nothing. All I know is my son got killed up there.”

“They say, ‘He’s just a 19-year-old.’ No, that’s Horace Lorenzo Anderson [Jr.]. That’s my son, and I loved him.” more here

15 Comments on Father of Seattle CHOP shooting victim sues state, local government for $3 billion

  1. I understand what he is doing but the only people who will pay for his loss (if he is successful) is the taxpayer, not the looters/murderers/anarchists or the politicians who allow this.

  2. gin blossom
    AUGUST 31, 2020 AT 8:13 AM
    “His son put himself in the circumstances that led to his demise. Is anyone else to blame for that reckless decision?”

    …’adult’ children don’t always act on the best of advice, nor do they necessarily listen to, or even inform, their parents what they’re doing. At 19 you’re pretty sure you’re immortal, if you think about it at ALL, and maybe he actually BELIEVED his Black Life would Matter there and was simply curious, or an adrenaline junky, who knows, WE never will.

    Doesn’t matter anyway.

    He us dead.

    Whatever crimes he may or may not have committed, he’s paid for them with his life.

    So good on the father for trying to get SOME accountability from liberals that created this lawless environment and fostered this “Summer Of Love” lie. Good on him for at least TRYING to get answers.

    Good on him for keeping his son’s name alive, for not letting him be just another statistic, just another dead kid.

    “They say, ‘He’s just a 19-year-old.’ No, that’s Horace Lorenzo Anderson [Jr.]. That’s my son, and I loved him.”

    …were I in his place, I too would seek justice, and would have NO confidence in politicians to GET it. Were I in his place, I would make it my life’s work to take the life of the man who took my son’s.

    Were I in his place, I would then venture to the halls of “government” to see how many I could take to hell with me before the very police they denigrade, took me down at the last.

    For they were accomplices in this murder, and his son died as a victim of THEIR hate, as a sacrifice to THEIR god of political power, just another pawn, a worthless piece that they could sacrifice at will in a game that only THEY can play.

    I don’t know about THIS man, but I poured a lot of MY life into MY son, and if he died as a pawn in someone else’s game, it would kill the human part of me as well.

    And what would be left would be their death, for the vengeance that would remain would not hesitate nor know any remorse.

    …so good on him for seeking answers.

    Good on him for going after the right people.

    Good on him if he wants to take it to the next level.

    The Democrats want his son to be just another dead nigger. Because that’s all he’ll EVER be to them.

    At least ONE Black father won’t accept that label, insists his son was a person, and demands “government” treat him as such, and God bless him for at least TRYING where so many do not even CARE…

    …sure, it COULD just be a cynical play for money. So what of it IS?

    …It’s still nice that he’s trying ro get DEMOCRATS to “say his name”, for a change, since the REAL racists are THEM…

  3. Anderson had as much right to be there as the murderer, wisdom notwithstanding. Media downplay this a mere member of a “right wing group who had previously clashed with protestors” so there is your spin-justification in one phrase. In other words he was a nobody who deserves it, exactly the Antifa position.

  4. ‘Summer of Love’, you’re doing it wrong.
    Arab spring, pro-choice, it’s for the children.
    The left always wants to control the language.
    Like putting glitter on a turd in everything they do.

  5. May he get justice. This lawsuit will at the very least put all those scumbags running the state in a very bad light and HOPEFULLY there will be political repercussions and maybe wake up the greater populace in that state.

    I know at least two of you here know that I’ve been denied justice for some time and I’m gearing up to take two (Maybe 3 depending how these last two attempts go.) last shots (That’s a metaphor!) because there has been NO accountability to the grave injustice that was thrown in my face, including those nonessential lackeys at the highest levels of state government who couldn’t bother doing their damn jobs. Don’t worry. They be underestimating me too. But I lost A LOT. And as it turns out this fight is much bigger than me. Oh man. You all would be PISSED if you knew what happened to me. But hey. I trust The Nazarene and He has a way of toughening us up for a bigger fight ahead. And where I work? You need to be “a little tough” of the things thrown my way most people don’t get to experience. And that’s not a complaint.

    I’ve not only got the patiece of Job, I’ve got NOTHING to lose. 🌞

  6. I tend to think any pol with any smarts has a personal insurance on personal lawsuits. Back when I was on the school board, I got so much flack we put a rider on our personal liability insurance.

  7. The taxpayers may have to pay if he wins his law suit. That will suck for the citizens that did not vote for the current politicians in office (I can’t call them leaders).

    But the citizens that did vote them into office, deserve to feel the pain in their wallet for the votes they cast. A sharp pain in wallet will sometimes result in a sharp rise in wisdom.


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