Father of Son That Wants To Wear Princess Outfit On Halloween Talks Tough As He Decries “Masculine Bullsh*t” – IOTW Report

Father of Son That Wants To Wear Princess Outfit On Halloween Talks Tough As He Decries “Masculine Bullsh*t”

A Virginia father who works at “abolishing gender stereotypes” continues to receive praise for his Facebook post of his son in a princess costume.

He posted in very certain terms and told potential social media trolls: “Keep your masculine bulls*** and slutty kids costumes.”

(Or I’ll punch your lights out! -bfh)

His son’s favorite characters are princesses and he is going to let his son make his own choices about his Halloween costume.

Paul Henson had no idea that his post would go as viral as it has when he put this post on his Facebook page:

Paul Henson Facebook Post

Henson wrote, “Anyone that knows us, knows we generally let Caiden make his own choices, to an extent. Well, he has decided on a Halloween costume. He wants to be Elsa. He also wants to be Anna. Game on,” the Virginia father wrote.


Caiden makes his own choices. That’s the key to good parenting.

ht/ Jerry Manderin

48 Comments on Father of Son That Wants To Wear Princess Outfit On Halloween Talks Tough As He Decries “Masculine Bullsh*t”

  1. I thought Halloween was all about candy.

    One year I dressed up as a beatnik. The striped tights, hat, sunglasses, painted on beard, and cigarette on a 10 year old child was precious.

  2. I don’t know- at that age the little boy might just like the fun colors of the costume (blue and green are Seahawks team colors). His kid cartoons are nothing but that.

    OR- the little boy thinks Elsa is cute and isn’t articulate enough to express it well enough for his dipsh*t Dad to catch a clue.

    Where’s the Mom in all of this?

  3. A few years back, when my son was still in high school, he was watching a show on parenting. The so-called parents were raising their son “gender neutral.” They gave him “boy” toys and “girl” toys and let him “choose.” Except, of course, that he was praised every time he picked up a “girl” toy.

    We got a few laughs over it, but it was really sad to watch. Everything “masculine” is demonized, in the name of “equality.”


  4. What a great “father”. That photo will pop up later in that kid’s life when he least wants it to surface. Unless, of course, his “father” completes his agrnda which appears to be creating a future messed-up-in-the-head, suicidal freakshow. Way to go, “Dad”! 🙁

  5. Oh, so he posted the photos because the kid was bullied for choosing to be a princess for Halloween?! So, “Dad” solves it by making the kid a lightning rod for more bullying?! Stellar!!! Kid doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to be normal.

  6. Visual cues suggest that this child has Downs syndrome. Such a child needs extra love and care and it is cruel to do anything that might add sexual identity issues to the mix of challenges he already faces. On the other hand this child may not have Downs syndrome. He may simply suffer from inheriting stupidity from his father which will be further complicated by stupid influences of his father.

  7. My adult kid, mother of five, dresses up as Elsa and does kids parties and paints faces for the community festivals. I don’t think there is any character that has more clout than Elsa. The children all freak out when the see her. It’s magical.

    That said, I feel Paul needs to broaden his sons horizons. Take him to a ballgame and teach him about real people heroes. It maybe a stretch to think Paul is capable of, or even know what I’m suggesting?

    My home schooled grand daughter wanted to be a civil war soldier for Halloween at five-years-old? Go figure …

  8. Normal parents — if the little boy likes blue and green, then dress him in a Seahawks costume.

    This boy is too young to pick his own Halloween costume — the parents pushed him into being a girly man.

  9. Some dudes can pull this off while maintaining their masculinity.
    A world without gender would be completely upside down, miserable, and downright unnatural.
    Those kids IMHO will grow to resent their parents.
    Old school, and forever young.

  10. I was the Good Fairy for Halloween in 1963. My mother made a dress out of blue taffeta and tulle.

    I’m sure it got passed down multiple times to the younger members of my family’s next generation (I was the youngest granddaughter). The youngest great-granddaughter is now 19 years old.

    That costume is probably sitting in an attic somewhere in New Jersey. If I can locate it, I would be happy to loan it to this dipshit it so that his son can make an ass of himself in two consecutive years.

  11. I have been putting this off to see if any one of you would beat me to it:

    Here lies the root of the problem – Dear Ol’ Dad, just like every human being who has ever been born, wants attention. Dear Ol’ Dad was never taught that there is a difference in kind, not just a difference in degree, between doing something society values and doing it well -vs- doing something weird.

    Doing something of value and doing it well takes skill and that skill is usually result of effort. Doing something weird, like stretching your ear lobes around a couple hoops and plastering yourself with hideous tattoos doesn’t take any skill, much effort and is totally not reliant on a sense of aesthetics. BUT, junior has seen Dear Ol’ Dad get what attention he has gotten in his pathetic miserable life by doing weird things.

    Poor kid doesn’t stand a chance. It is a rare child who can grow up in an environment like this child has and will grow up in and analyze the situation and choose not to fall into the trap that his “parents” have set for him.

    When ever I saw my nieces and nephews and now see my own kids aping kids who are getting attention for being weird I just point this dynamic out to them.

  12. Story on UK Daily Mail notes that mom and dad are “no longer a couple.” The mother commented on the dad’s Facebook page that “even though we hate each other half the time” she is glad they are on the same page about raising their son. “Hate each other.” Isn’t that great. Shouldn’t screw up that little boy too much, since the hate is only “half the time.”

  13. Paul is not married to Caiden’s mom and likely never was, as he says in the story that they are “no longer a couple.” However, according to Caiden’s mom, she and Paul hate each other “half the time.” So there’s another strike against this poor kid, who will likely ever experience what a normal life feels like.

  14. I run a carnival ride in the summertime and 10 times out of ten the girls always go for the pink seat. BECAUSE IT’S A NATURAL REACTION. Every once in a while a boy will sit in the pink seat only because there are no seat left. I’ve never seen a boy fight for his life so he could sit in the pink seat. Although this summer, I let a kid off a ride and realized it was a BOY in a princess outfit, just like the one above. I looked at his parents and their liberal demeanor and clothing said it all.

    I predict this princess kills himself by age 12.

  15. Yup. Caiden. What a perfect circle of life. I could actually almost start believing in this world again. The same kind of douche who thinks…”Yeah, Caiden…Caiden! I like that!” Gets rewarded with a little non-breeder. Genetic legacy ended…hopefully.

  16. Well I wish it were true but 90% of the kids have these nauseating ‘MCWNBLTO’ names. ‘My Child Will Not Be Like The Others’. Yet they’re all named that way. Like how tattoos are supposed to represent ‘rebellion’ and non-conformity yet 94% of the people have them.

    Caiden, Aiden, Colton, Baker, Tanner, Carter, Madison, Lincoln, Greyson, River, Gunnar, Caleb, Jaleb, Nevaeh, Sampson, McKayla, Jordan, Tucker, Carson,

    So no beatings for Caiden, not when all the other kids have fucked up names too. Hate it.

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