Father Offers 65 Million Dollars To Any Man Who Could Convert His Lesbian Daughter – IOTW Report

Father Offers 65 Million Dollars To Any Man Who Could Convert His Lesbian Daughter

The daughter is the executive vice-chairman of Cheuk Nang Holdings. The father is a real estate billionaire.

The daughter says “men aren’t for me,” while her partner looks extremely mannish, even “culturally appropriating” clothing traditionally worn by men. (And I’m sure she uses a strap-on.) So, why the fake man in her life?

Just asking, not judging. She can do what she wants to do, I won’t tread on her.


Gigi Chao with Sean Eav  - taken from her facebook page - story - Hong Kong billionaire offers £40 million marriage bounty for gay daughternOne of Hong Kong's wealthiest men has placed a "marriage bounty" on his lesbian daughter's head, offering nearly £40 million to the man who successfully woos her.
Gigi Chao with Sean Eav – taken from her facebook page – story – Hong Kong billionaire offers £40 million marriage bounty for gay daughter. One of Hong Kong’s wealthiest men has placed a “marriage bounty” on his lesbian daughter’s head.


ht/ big owe



30 Comments on Father Offers 65 Million Dollars To Any Man Who Could Convert His Lesbian Daughter

  1. Dad hasn’t thought it through. He should cut her off financially and then offer her money to have grandchildren. The catch being she will not receive a dime till she has more the three! Sure she will still be a Lizzie,but he will have grandchildren and more importantly be able to assert some control over her life. And just maybe her “manwife” would scoot when “he” discovers that she (not the manwife,but the other she)(shit this pronoun thing gets confusing) is no longer lovely AND rich just lovely.( We assume she is a neat person to be around because she is nice on the eyes) like a wise man told me once: Show me the worlds most beautiful woman and I’ll show you a man tired of fucking her.

  2. If she tells her dad that she’s going straight and I get the money, I’ll fix her up with a nice looking lesbian I used to live next door to. Pops never has to know.

    She has poor taste in women. Taste, kind of ambiguous when we’re talking about lezzies. lol

  3. @LocoBlancoSaltine; If she had a fivesome with Hillary, Huma, Bill and the Weiner the only thing that would be changed from the Roofi cocktail Bill served her is she’d have every sexual disease known to man and a few that aren’t.
    Her dad just screwed this up big time. If there was any hope in getting her way from this Asian Don Knotts (sorry Don) he blew it with this bounty. One of the other posters has it right. Make a deal, threaten to pull all her cash and assets as well as getting her job tanked but you won’t do anything (in fact sweeten the pot with the bounty money) if she has three kids who she gives up to raise with him. You could probably negotiate with that.

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