Fauci Belongs Under The Jail – IOTW Report

Fauci Belongs Under The Jail

ht/ woody

8 Comments on Fauci Belongs Under The Jail

  1. Fauci has killed more people than did Oskar Dirlewanger and, yet, is allowed to walk freely among us.

    PROOF that there is NO justice on Earth.
    We need to regain our moral balance and separate monsters from civilization.
    There were times when such detestable filth as Fauci was not tolerated.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Now do a cartoon on the “treatment.”

    Because, if the first bioweapon didn’t kill you quick enough, there are emails among those same murderous bureaucrats proving that they deliberately withheld cheap cures (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) and made policy to put patients in isolation and pump them full of a second round of poison (remdesivir) to finish the job.


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