Fauci Cannot Run and Hide – IOTW Report

Fauci Cannot Run and Hide

Fauci to retire by the end of Biden’s term.

9 Comments on Fauci Cannot Run and Hide

  1. I was wondering the same Anonymous. Does he mean when Pedo Joe is removed from office or in 2 yrs?
    Hopefully McCarthy doesn’t block real conservatives with spinal strength from investigating and indicting Fauxci.

  2. Investigated by whom? Congress? Been there, done that, Got some sick burns on him, that’s all. Merrick Garland’s DOJ? GMAFB. Only thing we can hope for is he escapes to the graveyard.

  3. @beachmom July 19, 2022 at 9:13 am

    > Hopefully McCarthy doesn’t block real conservatives with spinal strength from investigating and indicting Fauxci.

    True Conservatives(TM)! Who swore allegiance to the Bolsheviks. Before they could be counted. By the Bolsheviks. On the Bolshevik “ballot”.

    Oooh, look! There’s another commercial! On the TV!

  4. He’d better retire to the moon. That little evil dwarf MF is responsible for for a shitload of deaths due to his self aggrandizement, and sooner or later someone is going to come to collect the bill.


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