Fauci can’t answer when he’s asked why a person who has had Covid needs the jab – IOTW Report

Fauci can’t answer when he’s asked why a person who has had Covid needs the jab

The midget, and I mean both mental and physical, has no answer on natural immunity. He says there is no way of knowing how long natural immunity lasts.

Hmmm, how long does the jab last?

30 Comments on Fauci can’t answer when he’s asked why a person who has had Covid needs the jab

  1. Family, friends, and other acquaintances who are branch covidians are all claiming that all antibodies run out after 6 months all the time. So I looked into it. What I found is that the earliest cases on record of antibodies not lasting begin at 6 months and they are considered anomalies since on average antibodies last way longer than that. I also found that it is unknown how, when, or why antibodies can run out, if they run out. There are many cases on record of antibodies never running out. But, ignorant people are compliant people.

  2. My wife keeps saying that, that I need to get The Jab, in spite of having had the WuFlu and now I have natural immunity. “Your immunity has run out”. I still refuse to get The Jab.

  3. Handy N Handsome, good question. I know a man who had the shots, him and my daughter were arguing, him claiming his shots made him only mildly sick with covid, a fever for two days and a cough for a week. He was bragging about now having antibodies, she told him to put up or shut up and to go get antibody testing. Well after 2 moderna shots in May and testing positive for covid in August, he got his test results back this morning and he has zero antibodies.

    So the shots obviously didn’t provide him any antibodies and either he really didn’t have covid or the shots prevented his body from creating antibodies.

    He’s no longer as cocky today about how she needs to quit being a conspiracy theorist and get her shots.

  4. He may not know the “durability” of the natural immunity but we and he KNOW the vaxx doesn’t have any durability, Can you say boosters!
    AND it’s meant to kill you, just sayin’.

  5. If all this is confusing to you it’s because your coming from it at the wrong angle. Assume the shot is meant to kill you and it’ll all become quite clear. CCP is in charge!

  6. Yeah, he has no clue about how long natural immunity may last. It is likely longer than the immunity, oops, I mean absolutely not immunity but better resistance, that the jab gives you (and we won’t discuss side effects, because SHUT UP!!!) But because he ‘doesn’t know how long natural immunity may last’ he is perfectly fine demanding the jab.
    How much $ does this guy make for each jab???

  7. I am sitting at the house at the end of week 2 with the Kung Flu. I caught it from my fully vaxed wife.

    Lessons learned: 1) the vax doesn’t work. 2)Those who have gotten vaxed have a more severe Kung Flu. 3) A two week headache sucks!

  8. Everyone here is old enough to remember when it was just EXPECTED that “a bug would be running around at work”. No one crapped themselves if Bob came in sick one day, then Sue called in a few days later, until everyone but Steve, who never got sick, got it. There was a time you were even EXPECTED to sack up and come in if all you had was a sneeze or sniffles, but it was common courtesy not to sneeze on anyone.

    And no one died, no more so than today.

    Or put another way, today’s total deaths do not vary from back in the day when there was just a flu bug every year.

    This is only different because we’re MAKING if different. Democrats want it to control people and gain power. Hospitals want it to get paid and be able to exclude pesky, questioning relatives. Drug companies wanted it for the obscene profits.

    Never before has a disease been so politicized. Effective cures are denied, learned and experienced specialists doctors are censored by media companies, people are locked away from each other so their immune systems are WEAKENED, masks that PROMOTE a host of respiratory diseases are mandated with no clear benefit or legal authority to do so, businesses are shut down with some crippled and others destroyed l, all in the apparent service of political control because it hasn’t served any OTHER purpose.

    And never has such blanket immunity been given drug companies for distributing an inadequately tested and debilitating, even deadly, drug.

    And never has a government been so adamant to FORCE its use.

    No matter what you think of the drug, logically if it’s as “Safe And Effective” as we are constantly told by Government in the unprecedented role of drug company cheerleader, then why do they require the liability shield for the “Safe” part, and fear “the unvaxxed” for the “Effective” part?

    And why is there NO discussion whatsoever about the NATURAL immunity Man has been able to, and demostrably still DOES, develop that’s allowed him to survive for thousands of years without labrotory gene alterations?

    Even those who champion the vqccine must know that SOMETHING is askew when out government throws out our electoral system AND rule of law AND the concept of doctor/patient privilege over a not-particuarly lethal flu variant, all in the same year.

    It’s ALMOST like it’s not really about a virus, and never actually WAS…

  9. SNS – remember, going from 1 to 2 is a 100% increase.

    Fauci “I cannot tell a(nother) lie, therefore I won’t answer that.”

    The ‘vax’ isn’t to protect you from some virus.
    It’s to protect you from the gov’t.
    That’s why you need ‘boosters’ every 3 months.

  10. F4UCorsair
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 AT 1:03 PM
    “I’d just like 3 minutes with him unmonitored.”

    …between this and the panic I saw him try to cause with AIDS in the ’80s the EXACT SAME WAY, I’d be more than happy to just get the 3 minutes alone with Discount Gollum, and I don’t CARE if they watch.

    In fact, I would prefer they DID.

    …in a “Coming Attractions” sort of way, for them to see what it looks like when the reaping comes due for what they’ve sown…

  11. Handy, we know we had the stuff in December 2019 and January 2020, my daughter and I are setting up an appointment to test for antibodies.

    I was the last to catch it after Christmas at the end of January and carried into February, actually the shortness of breath lasted longer than that. My daughter had it end of December, she was sick for a few days and then was better.
    So if we have them they are at least good for up to 21 months.

  12. He said, “We” have to have discussions about that.
    Uh huh.
    He needs to confer with his big pharma pals on how to explain away natural immunity and why vaxxed sheep are getting CCP virus.

    Gotta keep that shot circulating so the feds can keep paying back those contributions.

  13. 2 weeks.
    Just a little longer, folks.
    Your Covid test may result in a false negative.
    Your Covid test may result in a false positive.
    Every symptom imaginable is Covid.
    No symptoms at all? You’re still positive for Asymptomatic Covid.
    Mask up, social distance.
    Groups of 6 are ok, but not more than that. The disease knows.
    Protesters are exercising their rights.
    Church-goers are dangerous.
    Getting vaxxed is the path to normalcy.
    Oops, not so fast; the vaccine’s efficacy is waning after only a few moths.
    You will need continual boosters.
    No other treatments exist; it’s conspiracy theorists who say there are.
    The surge in cases has directly followed the implementation of the vaccine.

    After 18 months and this man who sits at the very top cannot tell us anything clearly. And they wonder why millions of us do not trust them.

  14. “Never before has a disease been so politicized.”

    They’ve been trying to create panic over common everyday things for decades for the purpose of political control.

    Global cooling – something no-one could argue against without being shut down back then. Easy since we didn’t have ways to communicate with others around the world like now. The internet has revealed how much the MSM are liars.

    Ozone layer – something no-one can see or feel.

    Global warming – until things just didn’t show up when the die-by date passed. It didn’t help when Gore offered indulgences to buy for forgiveness of your sins of using a lot of energy. That was a dead giveaway. Add his personal home had something like a $3,000.00 power bill every month, and the farce was obvious..

    Climate change! – something that has happened throughout Earth’s history. That’s gotta be a winner because it happens regardless of human activity! CO² is the culprit! Yeah, something life depends on. Something that’s good for plants. Plants that make oxygen for us to breathe.

    Now they’ve picked the common cold and flu. It’s illegal or, at least you’re considered a leper, if you get a cold or the sniffles at all now. They’ve outlawed getting sick!

    Personally, I think the politicians on board with this are just getting saline solution shots.

    Sadly, my local grocery store went all “must mask” again this week.

    I was the only one in there without a mask and plenty of employees saw me and made eye contact. No-one said a thing. I was willing to turn around and never visit again if asked to mask up. Wouldn’t be the first store I’ve black-listed for myself.

  15. I wish I could remember the virologist/endrocrinologist who said it on talk radio, but he said that natural antibodies last in effective levels forever — or the life of the host, whichever comes first.


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