Fauci Charging Upwards of $100,000 for Speaker Fees – IOTW Report

Fauci Charging Upwards of $100,000 for Speaker Fees


Conservatives dragged Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday after it was discovered that he’s going to be charging a stunning $50,000 to $100,000 for speaking engagements now that he’s retired as Biden’s medical adviser and as a director at NIAID.

The first to reportedly uncover Fauci’s new gig was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ rapid response director, Christina Pushaw who tweeted a screenshot from the website of a leading motivational speaker’s agency that lists Fauci as a “motivational” and “health care” keynote speaker with an exorbitant price tag. Grift

28 Comments on Fauci Charging Upwards of $100,000 for Speaker Fees

  1. Too bad it will probably be gubment orgs that have him to talk to a sparse audience – all paid for by us working folks – for two or three more generations…

    FJB FF

  2. Just another way the swamp launders money.
    Let be guess, his speaking engagements are Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer, and Moderna.

  3. He should take every penny, match it, and put it all in a “vaccine” injury compensation fund. There are plenty of other areas he needs to pay reparations for, but that one would be my first choice.

    Yeah, in my dreams…

  4. I can’t imagine any sentient being paying to hear mini-Mengele.
    That said, it’s probably a money laundering operation by Big Pharma to keep him on the leash.

    They’ll pay the stooges and saps to funnel the dough to mini-Mengele, with a little added incentive to the stooges and saps. They’ve got to keep him quiet about the facts – he could – COULD – develop a conscience.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim – FJB
    FEBRUARY 7, 2023 AT 4:32 PM
    “– he could – COULD – develop a conscience.”


    “1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”
    1 Timothy 4:1-4

  6. fauci should take up painting
    hunter makes more than that for a painting
    instead of blowing paint through a straw, her could squirt it out with a syringe.
    There’s people that would buy something like that

    betcha hunter has made a painting by using a busted crack pipe.
    ANd- will pops biden talk about his free crack pipe program in his speech tonight?

  7. You can’t take it with you fuckfaci, when Trump has you hung on the National Mall as part of his 3rd term inauguration celebrations – you better be buying Humper-quality hookers & blow with it NOW!!!

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