Fauci Funded 60 Projects At The Wuhan Institute Of Virology – IOTW Report

Fauci Funded 60 Projects At The Wuhan Institute Of Virology


New revelations have come out about Anthony Fauci, the mad medic, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. This time from Australia.

We first noted the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2020 and in April noted that the Institute experimented with live animals.

Sharri Markson from Sky News is coming out with a book that’s a culmination of her efforts studying Anthony Fauci. She notes the following on Sky News hours ago:

Dr Anthony Fauci was “up to his neck” funding coronavirus research in Wuhan, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is, says Sky News host Sharri Markson. Ms Markson has been investigating Anthony Fauci’s involvement in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology and discovered his agency “had funded 60 projects at the Wuhan laboratory.”


12 Comments on Fauci Funded 60 Projects At The Wuhan Institute Of Virology

  1. Arrest Fauci. Charge him with Crimes Against Humanity. Assemble a Nuremburg style Military Tribunal. Try him. Find him guilty. Execute him by hanging by the neck until dead. Bury remains in an unmarked grave.

  2. Hang him, disembowel him, separate his body limb to limb.
    Then, burn the remains and bury them in separate graves in the four corners of the earth.
    I’m taking no chances on this guy attempting a comeback.

  3. “Anthony Fauci, the mad medic, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)”

    Next moves for the globalists would be to:
    – Throw Fauci under the bus and declare him responsible for the plandemic.
    – Acknowledge that Fauci was taking actions on behalf of the US Government.
    – Announce reparations to the world through a new UN Agency headed by the usual grifters.


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