Drone Footage Shows Lava Eating Beautiful Homes in the Canary Islands – IOTW Report

Drone Footage Shows Lava Eating Beautiful Homes in the Canary Islands

16 Comments on Drone Footage Shows Lava Eating Beautiful Homes in the Canary Islands

  1. It has been theorized that the collapse of El Cumbre Vieja could trigger a massive tsunami affecting much of the North Atlantic coastline, including North America. While the latest research says that the effects might not be as drastic as was previously believed, I’d keep a weather eye out, all ye who dwell in the coastlands. Something might come along to make us forget about covid for a minute. Especially if if comes roaring up the Potomac and the East River.

  2. If there is a tsunami I hope it is down on the Potomac.
    I live a few blocks from the tidal river/ harbor and 3 miles from the beach here in Maine.

    That video shows the awesome power of nature.


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