New York is now blocking white-owned businesses from bidding on a new 2.3 billion-dollar job – IOTW Report

New York is now blocking white-owned businesses from bidding on a new 2.3 billion-dollar job

Revolver– It’s downright shocking to see this latest story unfold, and you will wonder how they get away with such blatant discrimination. Yet here it is, all wrapped up in the guise of “diversity, equity, and inclusion”—as long as it excludes white people, of course. That’s the newest, racist, and divisive directive out of New York, where white-owned businesses are now barred from even bidding on the new $2.3 billion JFK airport renovation. MORE

16 Comments on New York is now blocking white-owned businesses from bidding on a new 2.3 billion-dollar job

  1. lemme tell ya ’bout the Gypsies who roam around neighborhoods paving asphalt driveways…. at a good price… dey already bid

    I tink I’m related to some o’ dem

  2. So if you’re white you can no longer feed your family. Ya know I run Government work I quote off a bid board. There’s “Set Asides” for everything under the sun there. Anything from Asian Pacific Woman owned to Service Disabled Vet, Hud, and every color of skin imaginable. Except for white. We track contracts that we are after that usually pop up with the above mentioned set asides. Eventually when they need the parts bad enough they let the white people quote them and that’s when we pick up our contracts. And this has been going on for well over twenty years. Someone in the New York City Government is a racist piece of shit and needs to be sued so hard his kids will be broke.

  3. NY state tried to do the same thing with licenses for marijuana dispensaries. They were sued twice and lost twice. They don’t care, they’ll just keep doing until eventually they get away with it.

  4. Brad, my husband is a senior cost estimator. The company he works for does a lot of govt work.
    They’re required to use women owned, minority owned and/or veteran owned businesses for at least some of the work.
    You’re right. No requirements for white or male owned.

  5. Beachmom

    “They’re required to use women owned, minority owned and/or veteran owned businesses for at least some of the work.”

    And when these businesses are sent the RFQ’s they intern send them to a guy like me. Tack on 15% and turn in the quote to the customer. Which is all fine, until the minority owned or disabled vet doesn’t pay you. We stopped playing that game for that reason.

  6. And now posted COVID no one wants to work anymore. President poopie pants can try a blow sunshine up or asses but the general economy is in the tank. And shops/businesses like ours that are doing alright have the state and feds standing there with their hands out.

  7. I was in a hurry and left out a couple of the particulars in my earlier comment. We sell tools directly to the Navy, at a 10% discount from list price. The Navy buyers would have my quote but made the award to Muslims in Houston. The Muslims in turn bought the tools from me at list price, and sent them on to PSNS, I’m assuming at a profit. Instead of getting a discount from a local American citizen they went to a muslim in Houston, no telling where he was from, and paid a higher price. What a bunch of crap!

  8. joe6pak

    In the case of a manufacturer it’s even a bigger joke. Basically the contract will read, who’s getting paid? That would be the set asides cage. Who’s making the parts? Our cage. Who’s packaging the parts? Our cage. Where will the parts be inspected? Our cage. The set aside welfare group never even sees the parts. We handle it all, they get the dollars and will pay you 85%. Pretty wild.


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