Fauci hailed as ‘sexiest man alive’ by The Guardian – IOTW Report

Fauci hailed as ‘sexiest man alive’ by The Guardian


The Guardian has dubbed Dr. Anthony Fauci “The sexiest man alive.” On Instagram, the British outlet touted an upcoming documentary about Fauci, called, simply, Fauci, as they issued their praise for the octogenarian.

Anthony Fauci, an 80-year-old scientist, doctor and public servant, has become an unlikely cult hero for millions of people during the Covid pandemic,” The Guardian writes on Instagram.

“The US diseases expert has been spoofed by Brad Pitt and lauded as the ‘sexiest man alive’. Now the pop culture phenomenon is the focus of a documentary, appropriately titled: Fauci,” The Guardian continues.

John Hoffman, who co-directs the new documentary, said that “At the core of Tony’s popularity is that people intuit that this is a man who is speaking the truth and will not let anything stand in the way.”


31 Comments on Fauci hailed as ‘sexiest man alive’ by The Guardian

  1. The same journo simps couldn’t keep up with RBG’s workout routine. And then she croaked.

    You’re a short-timer, you shriveled, goddam goblin. Clip this Grauniad simpage for your scrapbook while you can.

  2. Not that I am an expert at sizing up other men’s sex appeal, I never understood what any woman could find attractive about Bill Clinton. But c’mon, this sawed off little rodent the sexiest man alive. You have got to be kidding. I suspect that someone somewhere tracks the popularity of various porn genres. I would bet the farm that dried out, scrawny, sawed off runt porn does not represent a tenth of a percentage of total viewership.

  3. Manbearpig, I remember Don, the ABC electronics “expert” (yes, he was actually brilliant with electronics) say, “Michelle is one hell of a beautiful woman!”

    I stared at him for about 15 seconds and walked out. What the hell could I say?

    Don was known for drunken tirades at ABC. He, Phil, and Smitty were pretty bad. Don was always screaming about some shit that never happened, Phil (thinner than me) always got stuck in doorways, and Smitty collapsed drunk in maintenance and played it off like he had a sugar problem.

    “Don’t call On-Air Maintenance after Lunch!”, was the truth.

  4. Maybe somebody should ask them to elaborate as to why that’s even possibly reasonable.
    It’s kind of like saying Hitler was one heck of a guy to hang around with, really funny guy. Said no one ever.

  5. …may be true. Might come from the same place as THIS…

    “…women writing in their top pick of the Hottest animated guy from 1995-2002. And the character that came at number 10 was Disney’s Frollo.

    Now Ellis suggested that women prefer character to physical appearance. And these characters are usually “projects”, men women can change. And with the case of Frollo he is the most sexual overt Disney character and yet very put off by it, making him relatable and yet torture. But given the fact that he kills people he is also a bad boy. And the mere fact that people generally think that if Frollo could fulfill his sexual desire this would cure him of his obsession and genocidal tendencies, which wouldn’t happen but this adds to the sexual fantasy.

    …But it’s also might help that Frollo that he was in a power position, he can burned all of Paris and meets no opposition from anyone, except justice freaks Phoebus and Esmeralda.”

    …chicks, amirite?

    Still like the 19th Amendment?

    …GENERALLY SPEAKING, to men, women are sex objects. To women, men are Success objects. Women want a powerful, rich man, they can always get a pool boy later if they have THAT, and the murderous doctor checks most of the boxes.

    Will die of old age soon. Bonus.

    …so yeah, as disgusting as it is, I don’t have a problem believing it to be true.

    It’s just the way it is.

    And it ain’t gonna get better ’till Jesus comes back.

    And if he gets a good look around first at stuff like THIS, He may not even bother…

  6. The Guardian makes Slate seem like a bunch of right wing extremists. Thus it is, thus it always will be. However, the people of Britain really do dig garden gnomes, so there’s that.

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