Fauci says he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls – IOTW Report

Fauci says he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to admit last week that he has deliberately misled the public regarding the coronavirus — for the second time since the pandemic began.

In a Christmas Eve interview with the New York Times, Fauci acknowledged he had offered a lower estimate of the level of herd immunity necessary to stop the COVID-19 pandemic because he thought Americans would be discouraged by hearing his true thoughts on the issue. 

He recently raised his estimate on the herd immunity threshold “partly based on new science,” the newspaper reported, “and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.” MORE

17 Comments on Fauci says he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls

  1. What he’s admitting is that he and his side are lying to the people because that is what the people want them to do.

    We live in the age of deceit, where the majority of people will only listen to those things they want to hear and will reject, suppress and censor anything else to keep it from being said or heard by anyone.

    This is the normal situation a civilization is in as it begins to collapse and has many examples of it in history.

    I have serious doubts that anything can be done about it, anything that will reverse it, and that it will follow the same course to a final end that it has in the past.

  2. TFW when you get your rocks off by lying and telling everybody you lied, and then having other liars not only lie in your defense, but celebrate you for lying. His Liagra erection is definitely lasting for more than four hours. Maybe he’ll stroke out.

  3. Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

  4. “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth – it is a flat perjury.”

    Fauci is an admitted liar.
    Why is anyone still listening to him?

    Similar to the fools who crawled around after Clinton licking up the drippings.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. To paraphrase Hussein Obama, “There comes a time when you’ve lived enough years.”

    It’s time to 86 at 80, you political bastard and fraud. Be gone in the New Year.


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