Fauci to Retire at the End of Biden’s Term – IOTW Report

Fauci to Retire at the End of Biden’s Term


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said Monday he plans to retire by the end of President Joe Biden’s term in January 2025. More

11 Comments on Fauci to Retire at the End of Biden’s Term

  1. Just leave already. Two weeks notice is standard in the private sector, but NOOOOOO, his delusional self believes he’s needed to “guide” us thru the next plandemic.

  2. Maybe he has a job lined up working for the Chinese government – Wait! Isn’t that what he’s been doing for years?

    I couldn’t stand that monkey-faced liar from the first week of covid.

  3. Should be hanged, drawn, quartered, set afire, tortured, and then executed for Treason.
    The idea of this maggot collecting a pension is nauseating.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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