Fauci’s NIAID rigged the trial of remdesivir; ineffective against COVID but highly profitable for its maker – IOTW Report

Fauci’s NIAID rigged the trial of remdesivir; ineffective against COVID but highly profitable for its maker

“I am glad for Gilead as well.”

American Greatness
Lloyd Billingsly-

That was Dr. Clifford Lane, a deputy to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) boss Dr. Anthony Fauci, in an April 29, 2020 response to Tomas Cihlar, a senior vice president at the pharmaceutical company Gilead, developer of the drug remdesivir. 

As the Epoch Times reports, recently revealed emails show Fauci and NIAID officials “scrambled in April 2020 to answer questions about altering the endpoint” in a trial of remdesivir. Once the drug was declared the new standard of care for COVID-19, as Forbes reported, Gilead’s stock surged more than 16 percent in overnight trading. 

Cihlar and Lane had reason to be glad over what Fauci called “quite good news.” In its press release on remdesivir, also known as Veklury, Gilead claims that its FDA-approved drug “can help reduce disease progression across a spectrum of disease severity and enable hospitalized patients to recover faster, freeing up limited hospital resources and saving healthcare systems money.”

Scientific and medical journals were skeptical, to say the least.  

As Jon Cohen and Kai Kupferschmidt noted in Science magazine, the European Union cut a deal in October 2020 with Gilead potentially worth $1 billion. Later that month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made remdesivir the first drug to receive approved status for COVID treatment.  

The European Union settled on remdesivir pricing—$2,400 for a full course—one week before the Solidarity trial, and was unaware of the results. For its part, the Science authors charge, Gilead “knew the trial was a bust.” That didn’t sit well with Scripps Institute cardiologist Eric Topol.
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8 Comments on Fauci’s NIAID rigged the trial of remdesivir; ineffective against COVID but highly profitable for its maker

  1. “Gilead “knew the trial was a bust.””

    If the virus and the jabs don’t get you first, remdesivir will make you ‘dead as a doornail.’ If, by chance you survive that, the ventilator will finish the job.

    But COVID has failed to kill enough people fast enough. So the Cabal wants to try war with the RUS and the CHIN and see if we can increase the death rate.

  2. Making remdesivir the standard of care meant that medicare, medicaid, and insurance would pay for it. Covid isolation protocols in the hospitals meant that families would not witness this mass murder. THIS IS EVIL.

  3. Diagnosed with Covid. Argued with EIGHT doctors in 4 days over Remdesivir. Frustrated, they declared me cured. As I was being discharged my brother was being admitted. He was given Remdesivir and died. I lived by taking Ivermectin from Mexico.


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