Fauxcahontas is not just a fake Indian, she’s a fake, period – IOTW Report

Fauxcahontas is not just a fake Indian, she’s a fake, period

Politico’s take on Elizabeth Warren’s ideological switch from conservatism to rabid lefty is the kindest possible-

The story of Warren’s awakening—from a true believer in free markets to a business-bashing enforcer of fair markets; from a moderate Republican who occasionally missed an election to one of the most liberal senators in America vying to lead the Democratic Party—breaks the mold of the traditional White House contender and is key to understanding how she sees the world: with a willingness to change when presented with new data, and the anger of someone who trusted the system and felt betrayed.

How about this?

Liz is a known liar (“I’m an Indian!”) and her switch wasn’t ideological as much as it was a business decision, political expediency, and the easiest pathway to being a senator in her geographical location.

It’s much the same as AOC. Who couldn’t win as a female latino in her district as long as they were democrat? Try winning as a conservative in that district. Then you might have a talented politician on your hands. AOC has the amount of talent required to fall out of a boat.

Katrina Harry, one of Warren’s best friends in high school in Oklahoma, remembers that she and Warren “talked politics a lot, taxes and welfare and such, and I was just a flaming liberal back then.” Harry adds, “Liz was a diehard conservative in those days. … Now we’ve swapped—a 180-degree turn and an about-face.”

“Liz was sometimes surprisingly anti-consumer in her attitude,” says law professor Calvin Johnson, a colleague of Warren’s at the University of Texas at Austin in the early 1980s, who was also her neighbor and carpooled with Warren and her husband, Bruce Mann.

“I remember the first time I became aware of her as a political person and heard her speak, I almost fell off my chair,” says Rutgers law professor Gary Francione, who was a colleague of Warren’s at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1980s. “She’s definitely changed. It’s absolutely clear that something happened.”

What’s changed?

Nothing, really. My guess is that this is her moneymaker and she realized she couldn’t siphon enough tax dollars out of the public sector as a conservative, especially in New England.



13 Comments on Fauxcahontas is not just a fake Indian, she’s a fake, period

  1. She is a fake menstrual cycle? And all this time I thought her being on a constant period is what gave her the name Flowahantas, her red skin and made her so angry. Oh wait, I misunderstood what you meant. Never mind.

  2. “…surprisingly anti-consumer in her attitude…”

    That’s a conservative attitude? That’s in a class with Romney’s “severe conservative”.

    Progs can’t pretend to be conservative because their idea of the Right is a marxist plutocrat cartoon caricature that doesn’t have anything to do reality.

    This is all bullshit. She hasn’t been on a long intellectual journey that’s led to new-found wisdom. She was never conservative. It’s all bullshit for her campaign packaging.

  3. Fake is too kind of a word for her. Outright liar is more apropos.

    She uses a ridiculous family myth to fool gullible people into believing she is an Indian. Well, Slavs have high cheekbones too. Look at Melania Trump.

    She’s a political slut, nothing more.


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