Fawstin: No More Misnomers- We Need to Stop Playing Name Games with Islam – IOTW Report

Fawstin: No More Misnomers- We Need to Stop Playing Name Games with Islam

Jihad Watch: I updated my article, Calling Islam Islam, for my new book, My Mohammad Cartoons Vol. 2. I’m sick and tired of hearing people, and not only lying leftists, refer to the Islamic enemy’s ideology by Endless terms, ALL in the name of Not saying the actual name of the Islamic enemy’s ideology, Islam.

We are nearly 18 years removed from the atrocity of 9/11, and we have Yet, outside of a small minority of us, dealt with the fact that “one of the world’s great religions” is motivating a war against civilization. Also, there are far too many religionists who refuse to acknowledge that Islam is a religion, which is another issue I take on in my new book.

This needs to end. If we can’t name the enemy and his ideology, and accept that it is, indeed, a religion, we cannot defeat it. This is about telling the truth, no matter how many sacred cows it kills. This is about defending civilization, not about defending religion’s reputation. This is war. We need to be completely honest, and if we act on the truth, this enemy will be defeated not long after.  Keep Reading

13 Comments on Fawstin: No More Misnomers- We Need to Stop Playing Name Games with Islam

  1. 💠💠 LISTEN TO ME 💠💠

    🔴 These people will not admit that a child growing inside their body is indeed a child.

    🔴 That AIDS does not afflict gay man any more than any other demographic.

    🔴 That blacks are no more likely to commit crime than anyone else.

    🔴 And you want them to admit that muslims are more violent than other religions?

    You need to categorized these known facts into a PRAGER.U-type presentation, promote it, and hopefully the result will be organizing your own people’s thoughts correctly, changing the minds of those that didn’t know, or can be convinced, and the left-over crazies that make excuses undercut themselves by their own ignorance.

  2. Religion my ass. Islam is nothing more than a brutal political cult disguised as a religion to quell any criticism about it. But you guys already knew that, right?

  3. Islam is not a religion, it is an ideology. The U.S. Constitution calls for the separation of church and state (no state-sponsored religion). That is not possible with Islam. Islam is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution.

  4. This is war

    True. War. Same as it ever is.

    We need to be completely honest

    Not in this lifetime. Not with people. Oh? We. Just amongst us? M’kay…

    the fact that “one of the world’s great religions” is motivating a war against civilization

    Since we’re being honest. Just amongst ourselves. It is not a war against civilization. Islam fights for a civilization. It not being the civilization you cheer for — on the telly, feet up on the La-Z-Boy — does not make it a unicorn. It is a millennium old civilization. And… and… Islam is not fighting (Islam is not moving, as opposed to cheering the telly) against any “western” civilizations. (Unless you consider the post-Soviet rumpire, a new Russian civilization. But “civilization” defines a continuity. And a generation does not count as “continuity”. No matter how new your math.) If you drop the deliberately — always deliberately — misleading “western” from the equation, that leaves only The Peoples Republic of China. And, while the PRC has more than a generation in its pants, it is not the Chinese civilization. Nor is it at war with Islam. It is sending Uighurs to camps, so Hans have Lebensraum. Same as it ever was.

    There is, however, a group that Islam is at war with. (The singular was not a typo.) And, while multi-generational, even putting down the usual memetic propaganda word of the weeks, whether it is a “civilization” is a valid question. Subject to one’s — hopefully predetermined — definition of “civilization”. (I know. Too late now. Knowing the answer they want, “everybody”, even most of “us”, are working back to the “truths” they think will prove the “answer” they “know”. Same as it ever is.) Islamists (those who fight for the civilization of Islam) are at war with Cosmopolitans. Who rule all of “the west”. (Even the “eastern west” — lookin’ at you Five Eyes.)

    The only other “game in town”, against the Cosmopolitans, might be Vladimir Putin. But, as it is Vladimir Putin, and not the Russians (singular), doing battle against the Cosmopolitans, I am unwilling to describe him as “at war”. A Boss of Bosses might merely want to remain Boss of Bosses. Maybe we’ll see the Russians continue to, at least fight, perhaps even continue to beat down, the Cosmopolitans — after Putin is gone. But, until then, it’s just Boss Putin against the other plutocrats.

    So, if you’re a Cosmopolitan — but only if you’re a Cosmopolitan — the Islamists are at war with us. And — conveniently, same as it ever is — when there’s blood and toil to be expended, “we” call the meat machines “us”. Though — conveniently — only the parochial (not Cosmopolitan) “us” will be intentionally expended in “our” war. Same as it ever is.

    If you’re not a Cosmopolitan, but you have any interest in — dependent on your (with the absurdity of hope) previously defined necessities of — a “civilization”, you have one of two choices. Become the best Russian you can be — and hope Putin’s merely a poster boy. Or welcome our new beardy overlords. There are no other options. There is no waiting for the cavalry to mount the hill. There is no cavalry. Requesting the current Masters of The Universe to let you take a turn is not an option. Bribing them is not an option. (If you have what the Master wants, you have the privilege of gifting it to your master. Or having it rightfully inherited by The Master, after your removal.) And none of the Cosmopolitans’ parochials (the possessive was not a typo) wants war. Not “are unwilling to win a war”. Not “are unwilling to fight a war”. Their parochials are unwilling to even “witness a war”.

    Cosmopolitan or Muslim. Or winnowed chaff (the Cosmopolitans no longer need the parochials to survive). It would be “nice” to write “Pick your team” — but you will be assigned.

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