FB Bans Man Who Tells Story of Severe Clotting Due To Vax – IOTW Report

FB Bans Man Who Tells Story of Severe Clotting Due To Vax

This thing is huge.

See this thing in context Here—>The CovidBlog

ht/ Kpark

8 Comments on FB Bans Man Who Tells Story of Severe Clotting Due To Vax

  1. Gee, kinda like when a popular podcaster told his story of using a doctor recommended treatment protocol to defeat COVID and TPTB started steaming “Misinformation!”, “Ban him!”…

  2. The state of Brit NIH health care….
    Called Sunday, no emergency or call forwarding service.
    Called Monday, 16 hours for a consultant to return the call.
    Called for an ambulance, waited 7 hours to arrive.
    Even though Jabbed (and Boosted?), tested coof positive at ER, dumped into an isolation ward.
    Waited 18 hours to be seen, subsisted on one glass of water.
    Finally seen and evaluated, was told would need to be operated on that day.
    Operated on next afternoon.

    I think the above timeline speaks for itself concerning Single Payer Healthcare. Thanks, but no thanks.

  3. Not that I blindly trust doctors anymore, but I cringe every time I see one of those “ask your doctor if you can take……” commercials on television. Which seems like about once every ten minutes, all day, every day.

  4. I had a similar situation with pain in my right shoulder. Approx 12-24 hours of pain I can’t even describe. In the article he said razor blades i was thinking a bayonet I am not vaxed. The pain was so bad I asked the Lord to take me. I found a Dr a few days later that gave me Ivermectin and within 2 days I was back on my feet.
    Another friend told me his mom had the same pain situation. She took vicoden (spelling?) and it didn’t even help and now this story.


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