CBS News
“Federal law enforcement caused violence and destruction in the summer of 2020,” said Zebbodios “Zebb” Hall, a racial justice activist in Denver whose story is told in the [Alphabet Boys] podcast. “The FBI’s informant was a criminal who pushed activists toward violence as part of an attempt by the federal government to undermine our political movement from within.” Continues
I have no problem with the FBI putting informants or paying for informants in radical groups. I have a problem with them assuming leadership roles and doing stuff like promoting a kid napping plot or encouraging people to go illegally into our capital.
Re: Ohio Dan
FEBRUARY 19, 2023 AT 2:32 PM
Suggest condition: Only once they’ve taken care of current outstanding crimes. They’ll know because they won’t have a 10 Most Wanted list.
In the mean time I prefer mu governmemt to not be out stirring #### up.
If the F.B.I. is targeting “racial justice groups”, doesn’t that imply that “white supremacy” ISN’T the greatest domestic terror threat? Quite the opposite, I would say…
FiBbIes…it’s in their name, it’s what they do.
Informant, provocateur, all same-same to them.
Innocent, guilty, again, same-same to them.
I trust the FiBbIes as far as I can throw them over my left shoulder with my bum right arm.
Have the done the same with democrats???? Oh, I see they get to pick which groups they politically infiltrate. If so did the punishments match up??
“Do this”
“Do this!”
“We should definitely do this!”
“Pretty please? If we do this we will advance the cause!!!”
“OK, if it will get you to shut up”
“You are under arrest!!”