FBI Agent Reportedly Gets Drunk With Random Woman, Gets Robbed – IOTW Report

FBI Agent Reportedly Gets Drunk With Random Woman, Gets Robbed

Daily Caller: FBI agent Robert Manson might be in a world of trouble after allegedly taking a random woman back to his room, and waking up to a stolen gun, Rolex watch and cash.

The New York Times reported the following on the incident:

In July, Robert Manson, a unit chief in the F.B.I.’s international terrorism section, had his Glock .40-caliber handgun, a $6,000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash stolen from his room at the Westin hotel in Charlotte, N.C., according to a police report.

“Investigators determined that the victim, Robert Manson, met a woman in the hotel bar the prior night and took her back to his hotel room,” Robert Tufano, a spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, said in a statement.

This seems like it’s going to end very badly for my new favorite FBI employee, Agent Robert Manson. Common sense would seem to dictate that you don’t leave unsecured weapons around women you just met at a hotel bar.

Now, that’s not to say you shouldn’t bring a woman from the bar up to your hotel room. We’ve all been there with varying degrees of results, but perhaps you lock up your weapon, $6,000 rolex and whatever cash you might have. Seems like the most responsible way to handle the situation. How did she even know he had a gun? It seems like that she’s unlikely to know unless he took it out to show her. Classic rookie mistake of a guy who is way too excited to impress.  read more here

23 Comments on FBI Agent Reportedly Gets Drunk With Random Woman, Gets Robbed

  1. Supervisor, International Counterterrorism, Washington Office, FBI.
    Bet this clown thought he was “Bond. James Bond.”

    Couldn’t hold his liquor, passed out, and got rolled by a hotel hooker like Inspector Clouseau.

    Bet her pimp be lookin’ fiiiine tonite in dat white boy’s Rolex an’ Glock. Stylin’ !

  2. Hoover wouldn’t even let agents drink coffee. It got so only Mormons were clean enough to join. Today it’s a gimp tranny muslim with an extra chromosome and aids as Director or a commie front group will sue.

  3. The FBI just ain’t what it used to be.. I once tried to join but I was not a “natural born citizen.” But being just stupid is OK today. Can you imagine an officer in combat with a fucking Rolex?
    I’m starting to give up and lose faith in everything.

  4. Moe Tom

    I’ve shot with about 10 FBI. 5 US Marshals. They suck big and the reason is that being a Gun Hand is not really their job. Until a bunch of red necks are shooting their shit up on a traffic stop in Miami. Marshals are much worse.

  5. I have a US Marshal in the family. It’s a desk job. The sidearm is just irrelevant.

    Before that he was Secret Service. By contrast he says US Marshal is “low stress”.

    OTOH, he’s never lost an issue Glock, or a wristwatch. 😏

  6. Unfortunately, Mr. Manson represents the best and brightest at the FBI.
    Obviously he was in the midst of performing an investigation about prostitution and stolen weapons to get field experience.

  7. @Bad_Brad November 9, 2017 at 11:14 pm

    It’s called “civil forfeiture.” Unlike Mexico, American law enforcement doesn’t let criminals hide behind red tape, when they see something on the street they want. Or is that the other way around. At this point, what does it matter?

    (Please note: I approve this message. I recuse myself from “endorsing,” “supporting,” or engagong in any activity that can not be described as “looting.”)

  8. A close friend of mine once said “I have a history of bad decisions”. Well Robby boy you shit in your mess kit with this one. Now suck it up, pay the price and find another job. Your poor judgement has cost you a career. AMF

  9. Oh, please!
    At least it was a woman – this time.

    This is pretty standard for FBI guys. CIA, too. NSA, as well. Come to think of it, the SS are pretty much in the same boat.

    “Power corrupts; Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.”
    (Dead White Dude)

    Since they get away with murder (literally), there are few restraints on their behavior.

    izlamo delenda est …

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