FBI and IRS Raid the Homes of “Healthy Holly Book Scamming” Progressive Mayor of Baltimore – IOTW Report

FBI and IRS Raid the Homes of “Healthy Holly Book Scamming” Progressive Mayor of Baltimore


The FBI and IRS executed search warrants Thursday at several locations in Baltimore, including Mayor Catherine Pugh’s homes and City Hall.

The searches began around 6:30 a.m. Thursday and include the following locations:

  • Baltimore City Hall
  • Pugh’s lawyers’ office
  • Offices of a nonprofit Pugh founded, and the home of the organization’s executive director
  • Home of former mayoral aide Gary Brown Jr.

Several agents from the Baltimore Office of the FBI and the Criminal Division of the IRS executed a search warrant approved several days ago by a federal judge. The agents searched Pugh’s home on Ellamont Road in northwest Baltimore, which she purchased apparently with cash in December 2016 for $117,000 without a mortgage.

The agents were seen entering and exiting the home, as well as garages that may belong to the home or a neighboring home. Agents retrieved a large boxes from the property, some labeled “Healthy Holly books.”


Baltimore Sun-

Democratic U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings of Baltimore issued a strongly worded statement Thursday that nonetheless stopped short of calling for Pugh’s resignation.

“I urge Mayor Pugh to put the best interests of the city and its residents first and foremost,” he said. “Baltimore needs and deserves leadership that is above reproach and which can lead the city forward in ways that engender the trust and confidence of all essential stakeholders. No one questions Mayor Pugh’s passion for Baltimore city and its citizens. At the same time, the circumstances now require that she also provide an example of accountability for those same people. We all want her health to be restored and to now focus on these very grave matters that have everything to do with her personal business endeavors and nothing to do with the priorities of the city of Baltimore.”

Pugh’s attorney has said she has remained on paid leave because she is still recovering from a case of pneumonia. Young is filling in as acting mayor. Three other Pugh aides remain on paid leave, including her chief of staff.


28 Comments on FBI and IRS Raid the Homes of “Healthy Holly Book Scamming” Progressive Mayor of Baltimore

  1. The City’s Demonrat machine is chock full of these cockroaches. The feds are involved now but who sent
    the FBI in? Hell, who trusts Them after Spygate?
    If Trump’s boys did it maybe someone or two will get
    jailed but unless the trial goes before a Fed judge,
    out of Democrat hands, the other rotters will protect
    There hasn’t been an audit of the city in my very
    long memory and when 65 million in school money
    disappeared about a dozen years ago they all shrugged
    and kept stealing. Many of the people who vote this
    slime in over and over have a rice bowl or scam going
    that they don’t want busted. For this they keep the
    reform candidates far, far away as the whole shebang
    falls into ruin.
    Where is the Governor? Usually poking at Trump.

  2. Great. Now we’ll get “Governor Harry Logan, as a white Republican running against Trump, are you going to allow Trump to lynch this nice black woman?”

    He’s going to end up giving her an award for Excellence in Public Service.

  3. Why wasn’t CNN tipped off??? These guys are slipping. And what happened to the swat team that likes early morning raids, they’ll be upset with this screwed up screw up. SOB this would have never happened if Mueller had been in charge….

  4. Hey President Wannabe Larry Joe Hogan from Anne Arundel, Maryland. . .
    School Time
    The walking distance from Baltimore, Md to Arundel Mills, Anne Arundel county, MD is 13 Miles.
    If you move at less than 1 mile per hour how long will it take you to do or say something too?

  5. Jar Jar’s Binks recent quotes about his twin sister ;
    Ex-squeeze me, but the mostest safest place would be Ballmar’
    Hmm… …
    Yousa should backa her up now, okeeday? …
    How wuude!
    Count me outta dis one. …
    You’d say, “boom de gasa”… den crashded da boss’s heyblibber… den banished.
    den abouta arresta hersa,,,

  6. This can’t possibly be Pugh’s first rodeo. It seems like criminal behavior is in her blood. So while everyone has to purchase these wannabe literary prized children’s books, the kiddies get to freeze cuz their isn’t any heat in the schools. Add heartless as well.


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