FBI: Biden was showing up at the FBI’s office during Hunter probe – IOTW Report

FBI: Biden was showing up at the FBI’s office during Hunter probe

Revolver: According to FBI testimony, Joe Biden was heavily involved in the federal investigation into his son, Hunter Biden. An IRS agent who was assigned to the case informed Congress that Biden was “extremely well known” to the authorities who were conducting the probe, and even made appearances at an FBI office during the investigation. Wow. That seems highly unprofessional and unethical.

67 Comments on FBI: Biden was showing up at the FBI’s office during Hunter probe

  1. ^^^^^ In a couple months Trump will be in a jail cell. And Joe, Joe and Hunter will still be extorting foreign governments with the DOJs approval. Selling our country and our freedoms down the tubes. There’s no agency that will stop them. They’re as crooked as they are. America is for sale by .01 percent of the population. At the risk of offending the perpetually offended former employees of bureaucracies,

    Never give up your guns.

  2. Brad, I agree, everyday is a new test from God. I would just like to know what I can get away with when it comes to trying to save our country from TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  3. “In a couple months Trump will be in a jail cell”

    Realistically I don’t think that will happen, and that’s not their stated goal anyway. They want Trump on the front page of every newspaper, tied to as many scandals and illegalities as they can muster.

    The other day I took my car to the dealer for service. In the waiting room, there were about 8 other folks, all listening to GMA with their wall-to-wall Trump indictment coverage and nothing on The Biden Crime Family. Those 8 are a cross-section of that 30% low-information independent voter, make Trump toxic enough with these folks and there is no way he can win. That is the Democrat playbook.

  4. “Realistically I don’t think that will happen, and that’s not their stated goal anyway”

    Their stated goal? Oh God Damn. How fucking stupid are you. You’re saying you believe their press releases, stated agenda. The DOJ are leaking they are going to J6 Trump. What do you think that means. This is why you need to stay the fuck out of my fox hole. Loco’s got plenty of room. Plus, you can cuddle.

  5. Just to be clear, the power structure to be will do anything from keeping two people from running. DJT, and RFK. And I’m really not getting the RFK thing. But obviously he scares the shit out of them. Republicans saved his ass from being censured today. As they should. Except for ten of them. These people need to be identified.

  6. “you need to stay the fuck out of my fox hole”

    No worries, with your numerous references in the past about my naked ass, I wouldn’t dare close my eyes.

    It is hilarious that you can’t see their strategy and that you are doing exactly what they want you to do.

    “Just to be clear, the power structure to be will do anything from keeping two people from running. DJT, and RFK.”:

    OK, Einstein, how exactly are they going to keep Trump from running? RFK I don’t even care about. And no, he will not be Trump’s VP pick, what a dumb call that was, sheesh!

    None of these trials will commence before the election, and even if he is found guilty, he will not be sentenced before the election.

    Nobody is stopping Trump from running. He will get the nomination, and he will get slaughtered in the general. And you will go back to your old stand-by, whining about the election not being fair.

  7. Rich, the only way Trump could have guaranteed a victory in the 2024 general election would have been to talk 19.4 point winning Florida Governor Ron DeSantis into being his running mate.
    (Most popular & best gov since Reagan)

    He would have had to promise RDS a ton since he is not stupid.
    Joining Trump in battle is risky business.

    That ship sailed and now it’s a toss-up in a Trump vs biden* race…at this moment.
    Subject to change…

  8. Even in Brad-land, where all the stars align and Trump is in an orange jumpsuit before the election, he can still run for president, even in prison.

    There are only 3 requirements;

    Be a natural-born citizen of the United States

    Be at least 35 years old

    Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

    So again, specifics this time, how is the power structure going to keep DJT from running?

  9. Loco, I think you’re wrong about the only way Trump could guarantee a victory in the general election in 2024. In an honest count of votes joe6pak could be his running mate and win!

  10. “It is hilarious that you can’t see their strategy and that you are doing exactly what they want you to do.”
    Keep believing what the DNC tells you is their agenda.

    Do you understand what J6ing is? They’re using a law that dates back to the civil war to unjustly jail persons that THEY think might start an insurrection. A riot. A public disturbance.
    They cannot afford to let Trump run for office. He will cost them to much money. They’ll kill him if they can. Which I know you would applaud. I don’t think yo understand what’s at risk here.

  11. “Subject to change…”

    Right now Trump’s unfavorables are at 56.8&, higher than Biden’s. And with wall-to-wall media coverage reporting on his indictments, that is a tough road to hoe.

    Of course, I would love Trump to win and will be voting for the GOP nominee, but you would have to be a raving idiot to not see their strategy and how they will play it.

    The wild card might be the avalanche of evidence surfacing on The Biden Crime Family, evidence even the legacy media can not suppress, this could definitely even the odds.

  12. “Brad, by saying Rich would “applaud” the left killing Trump makes you the biggest dickhead on the internet tonight.”

    Thank you. You need to understand, in my opinion Rich is a self serving moron that will type anything to start an argument he might prevail on. Unfortunately those are few and far between.
    Where do I pick up my trophy?

  13. “Right now Trump’s unfavorables are at 56.8&, higher than Biden’s. ”

    But TRUMP won TPUSA by 87 percent just last week. Vivek came in second. Nobody ever heard of the Gov from Florida there. Now what? So quick to always attack Trump. You’re a stealthy lil bitch.

  14. OK, so we have it on record that Brad says they will kill Trump before they will let him run, let that sink in a moment. And this guy carries a gun with him wherever he goes, how scary is that?

  15. Agreed Erik, will YOU please start hanging these motherfuckers?
    Otherwise cheating is legal, so in effect it’s not cheating.

    Like trans-women in sports.
    That ends when some conservative White dudes intentionally start beating black women in sports…

    If we win elections through harvesting the libs will want it stopped.

  16. Congratulations, Brad, up until today, I actually thought you were someone open-minded enough to converse with. But with that applauding Trump’s death comment, now you are just “ridicule” bait, deserving of mockery at every turn.

  17. Once again, Brad is fucking WRONG:
    “Most conference-goers preferred Trump for the nomination, with 85.7% supporting the former president. Second, was businessman Perry Johnson with 7.8%, who spoke on day two of the event. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) followed with 4.3%.”

    DeSantis did NOT attend the conference…

  18. I think it’s naive to rule out the deep state going to extremes to stop Trump from running. Anybody paying attention would think the same thing. They are committed to doing whatever is necessary. It wouldn’t be their first time.

  19. “Your problem is you’re not smart enough to keep up. See above.”

    Typical Brad response, saying shit and then too lazy to back it up. At least you didn’t pull a ,”It’s all over Revolver”, this time.

  20. Tell me, Brad just how do you foresee them killing Trump to stop him, exploding golf ball, boobytrapped pussy from another one of the porn stars he dates, extra mayo in those big Macs he loves?

  21. Brad getting personal with the insults, I can live with, that is just who he is. But that crack about me applauding Trump’s death crossed the line.

    A real man, especially one that brags so often about his testosterone levels would apologize for such an egregious breach, not holding my breath.

  22. “OK, so we have it on record that Brad says they will kill Trump before they will let him run, let that sink in a moment. And this guy carries a gun with him wherever he goes, how scary is that?”

    Wondering if this ass hat knows about the Clinton List. I;m thinking Rich thinks Epstein is still alive. Rich, you’re just so fucking dumb.

  23. Bwahhahaha!
    I just noticed it even in the opening title of the article:
    “Vivek Ramaswamy Wins Second Choice Prez Question”

    And before you say that’s what you meant, here is what YOU wrote at 1:59 PM EST:
    “But TRUMP won TPUSA by 87 percent just last week. Vivek came in second.”

    That motherfucker did not come in second or third, Ron DeSantis came in third.

    It’s irrelevant anyway, but I just like fact-checking your ignorant ass…

  24. “Brad you fucking MORON.”

    Ya see, this is when I wish you were standing in front of me. What I originally typed was the truth. And you know it. Reread from the beginning. What were the results from TPUSA? Don’t be stupid asshole.

  25. See, you lying sack of shit, of course Brad has to lie some more.
    So predictable.
    I called it but that was EASY!

    And if you think I would shudder in your presence you are as delusional as the conspiracy sites you follow.
    Give me a break tough guy…

  26. I’m lying? Read the shit about TPUSA from the beginning and then read my link. Dude, your hero ain’t gonna make it sorry. I know how weak men like yourself need some sort of father figure. I mean you crashed and burned with Teddy, now this loser. I’m sorry. Not my fault.
    By the way, he won’t qualify for the first debate. LOL

  27. Brad wins the irony trophy tonight as well, that’s two trophies for the tough guy.

    Just the other day with that Chris Christie thread, where he threatened to kick Trump’s ass in a fight, Brad piped up on how childish it was for a grown man to threaten another grown man with violence, I fell out of my chair when I read that. And here again tonight He’s threatening folks he disagrees with, what a clown.

  28. Yes Brad, you are full of shit.
    You use the same tactics as the leftists & MSM do against Trump.
    Congrats, you decided if you cannot beat them you would join them…

    My hero will still be in office come January 2025.
    Yours may* be in jail…

  29. “I pre-documented”

    LOL. A new term. Not just documented, pre documented, I guess that when you document, even though it’s not required. LMAO. I’m using this shit at work. What a moron. This has been so much fun tonight. A good ab work out.

  30. “Just the other day with that Chris Christie thread, where he threatened to kick Trump’s ass in a fight, Brad piped up on how childish it was for a grown man to threaten another grown man ”

    And you’re still running your Libtard Trump hating mouth. Fuck off pussy. You’d never show anyway. By the way, look way back. you started the insults here. No matter. Bottom line is we are far from the same political beliefs. Right? Yes we are. I’m a Constitutional Conservative. You’re obviously not. Loco is a Tequilian.

  31. “Bottom line is we are far from the same political beliefs”

    You can say that again, I dream about another conservative in the White House and you dream about sharing your foxhole with another man.

  32. Hey Moron

    “A good ab workout”” You’re so wrong on so many things, might as well add this to the list. People who have had radiation to the throat get their metabolism kicked into hyper drive. COOKS the thyroid. I’M 230 at about 5% BODY FAT. I actually wish sometimes I could claim it as self discipline. But that’s not the case. I’m out, chest a shoulders at 5:30 am. I’m sure you’ll be there. Pussy

  33. “You can say that again, I dream about another conservative in the White House and you dream about sharing your foxhole with another man.”

    I think you just lost every serious person here. you just tapped out.

  34. “5% Bodyfat”
    Biggest Brad lie YET!

    Seriously folks, 5% is CRAZY lean.
    Hard to function at that amount.
    I would guess Brad to be 22% at his leanest 20 years ago, on a good day.

    If people only knew how much bullshit that is.
    WOW! The brazen lies are fucking EPIC!
    I salute you sir for having the balls to lie that big.
    Well done.
    Some dummies may buy it because they don’t know 5% from 50%.
    Hey folks, google 5% bodyfat and think of Brad.


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