FBI Chief FOIA Officer Confirms ALL OF COMEY’S Memos Were Classified at Time They Were Written – IOTW Report

FBI Chief FOIA Officer Confirms ALL OF COMEY’S Memos Were Classified at Time They Were Written

Gateway Pundit: Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell went on with Lou Dobbs on Thursday to discuss former fired FBI Director James Comey’s criminal activity regarding the private memos he leaked to the liberal media. Farrell told Lou Dobbs that the Chief FOIA Officer confirmed that ALL of James Comey’s memos were classified at the time they were written and are still classified today. James Comey leaked the classified documents to a liberal reporter and friend to publish which is a federal crime. It looks like Boy Scout Comey could be seeing some prison time!

22 Comments on FBI Chief FOIA Officer Confirms ALL OF COMEY’S Memos Were Classified at Time They Were Written

  1. Yeah?

    And … ?

    Anybody who thinks this will interrupt his Champagne and Caviar existence is a fool.
    Comey is connected – he shat on America – and got away with it.
    He spits in the face of Justice and laughs on the ties of the proles.

    He’s one of the “Untouchables,” remember?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I guess those Bible versus that he quotes from time-to-time will stop. He’ll be teaching his fellow prisoners Sunday School. “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23

  3. I’m not sure whether Comey became suddenly stupid or if he was coached to tell the truth about one fatal thing — that he purposely leaked those memos in order to trigger a special counsel investigation into Trump campaign/Russia meddling with the elections. Were they counting on Sessions recusing himself? It almost seems that way, doesn’t it? And if that’s true, then is Sessions somehow involved beforehand? As far fetched as that sounds, given the who’s who of involvement, I can’t be surprised. It wouldn’t be the first time a member of congress or an oversight committee would have given a heads up (leaked a line of questioning) back to those they are investigating.

    The gov’t is very good at deep-sixing info about failing and failed security agencies. I just watched a documentary last night (YT) about how a sailor worked with the Russians during ALL of the Cold War, giving them the daily, changed codes to access ALL secret communications among our submarines. Experts say that it gave the Russians a “winnable” nuclear war capability. How did the gov’t find out about this after 18 years? The guy’s wife told them. And at first they wouldn’t believer her.

    There were seven spies caught doing long-term spying against the U.S. in 1985. They were from the CIA, FBI, NSA, Navy. Many of them rec’d multiple life term sentences. How are they any different than Clinton, who sold uranium to Russia or obama, who gave an enemy state billions of dollars?

  4. Comey distributed classified communications?
    Big deal.
    Hillary, Huma, Mills and many other Dept. of State staff did the same. They weren’t indicted or prosecuted.

    The elite of the deep state are exempt from the law.
    Comey will walk after all the headlines die down.

  5. Cato — Sadly, I have to agree — though I still hold out some hope that restoring equal treatment under the law, which is another big Trump campaign promise, will prevail. The state of our security agencies is reprehensible. There is all this blather about the rank and file being very fine and dedicated soldiers in the war to protect America, but it clangs like a tin bell. All the “fine and dedicated” rank and file in the world cannot overcome the putrid rot at the head of this fish. Besides questioning these witnesses, they should all undergo polygraphs (permissible because of their jobs) and their personal finances should be gone over with a fine toothed comb. Get some real evidence for a change.

  6. I don’t know whether or not Comey will walk on any criminal charges, but the time is coming where the Democrats and the permanent elite in Washington will have to sacrifice someone to the criminal system so that the others can live in peace. Comey seems to fit that requirement.

    The Clintons and the Obamas are untouchable, and they have the ability to protect quite a few others including Lynch, Holder and Abedin. But I don’t see this protection extending to Comey, who was supposed to be independent anyway.

  7. I’d like to know all the laws passed by congress over the years that protect all these people from true investigation and prosecution. Lerner, for example, and Koskinen; neither of them should have slipped through the ordinary prosecution of criminals for their criminal acts, let alone retire (Lerner) with an intact pension, and remain in his job (Koskinen) to rest and vest. Add to these Fast & Furious, Pigford, the dirty dealings to pass obamacare, the FBI’s obvious incompetence and what looked like purposely bungling intelligence gathering on acts of muslim terrorism, and the recent news regarding Cliven Bundy and the terrible miscarriage of justice perpetrated and hidden by this gov’t.

    It will take a long time, if ever, to restore trust in the agencies who are supposed to protect us from what amounts to a extra-legal favoritism.

    I should be careful not to get too low about this stuff. Can’t afford it.

  8. Feds don’t have time for Comey or the corruption in the IRS, DoJ, VA, Executive, or Legislative Branches, but they have time to fuck with people over GINSENG smuggling! Think I’m kidding?


    Wild ginseng, at that! We live in Bizarro World where master criminals, murderers, Corrupt-o-crats, embezzlers, Senate Gropers, Traitors, illegal-alien-invaders, decapitators, politicians publicly-aligned-with-anti-American radicals, and perverts run free (and make public policy) but people who gather wild roots are looking at prison!

    Whale Oil be fucked, as Moe Tom writes. It, truly, wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. There’s no need to flee to a sanctuary city or state when you have a better option of joining a sanctuary ideology.

    Commit crimes of any type from financial crimes, to murder to treason, and you get a free stay out of jail card. Leaving you free to go anywhere with no worries about being arrested, convicted, jailed.

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