FBI Confirms That Comey Drafted Statement On Clinton Probe Months Before Investigation Ended – IOTW Report

FBI Confirms That Comey Drafted Statement On Clinton Probe Months Before Investigation Ended

DC: The FBI released emails Monday confirming that former FBI Director James Comey drafted statements regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation months before the probe was closed.

The bureau released a file entitled “Drafts of Director Comey’s July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation,” to its Freedom of Information Act website. The file contains an email Comey sent May 2, 2016, to several FBI officials regarding the Clinton email probe, which was referred to internally by the codename “Midyear Exam.”

The draft statement was first revealed in late August by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Republicans questioned whether Comey’s draft statement indicated that he had arrived at a conclusion about the Clinton investigation months before he interviewed the former secretary of state and numerous other witnesses. The draft was also prepared before the Justice Department had made immunity deals with Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson.

8 Comments on FBI Confirms That Comey Drafted Statement On Clinton Probe Months Before Investigation Ended

  1. It is time for someone to pose the question in a press conference setting to either Trump or Sessions about these cases that don’t seem to be active. I know they will not say anything, but I want them to know we are not forgetting about them.

  2. Nothing but a limited hangout by Christopher Wray.

    “If I am given the honor of leading this agency, I will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Full stop.”


  3. Did Comey also have a draft if the outcome went against Clinton?
    Did Comey routinely write drafts for outcomes for any other cases months ahead of time?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  4. How the hell can the draft statement be totally redacted? It was meant eventually for public consumption. What a friggin circus with Jeff Sessions appearing to be the ringmaster (until he actually does something about the rampant corruption and olitical interference that went on under Obama and Hillary).

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