FBI Creep Kevin Clinesmith gets no jail time – IOTW Report

FBI Creep Kevin Clinesmith gets no jail time

CFP: The only person charged in the Justice Department’s spygate probe was spared prison time for altering an email used to support a FISA surveillance application. Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, 38, received the sentence of 12 months probation and 400 hours community service from U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg Friday during a video hearing.

Kevin Clinesmith just apologized to everyone but God and Carter Page for altering the original CIA source. Because of Clinesmith, millions of dollars and man hours were spent investigating an innocent man. Page’s life and reputation were ruined. The DOJ is asking for “several months” in prison. more

22 Comments on FBI Creep Kevin Clinesmith gets no jail time

  1. How many years did Manafort have to do in solitary confinement for 12 year old tax fraud again??… Because of pukes like this little piece of shit. Un. Real.

  2. Yeah, I admit it. I once believed that U.S. Assistant Attorney John Durham was actually going to prosecute the perpetrators of the greatest political crime in this country’s history. Let’s face it: they all got away with it. None of them are going to be brought before a Judge for sentencing after a trial that exposed all of their seditious activities. There is NO justice in store for any of the traitors who hounded President Trump and helped poison the political discourse in this country for more than four years on behalf of President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton and Former President Omohammad. Now, we get to watch Humper and the rest of his scurvy family skate free of their illegal and traitorous behavior. Fraudulent elections have real consequences.

  3. @ LuvntheBIGsites – or how many IBF have to show up at the door for people like Roger Stone, with weapons drawn in the early morning? Give up?

    I’ll tell you, 29.

    He said so on the radio about an hour an a half ago.

  4. As I’ve said before, it’s been a long time since we’ve lynched a politician in this country, and it shows. This slimy little prick should be swinging from a lamppost as a warning to the rest.

  5. As gratifying as it might be to see this slimy little prick swinging from a lamppost, the people in charge of the coup would only consider him collateral damage if they noticed at all. If it was Comey or Brennan at the end of the rope, the rest might increase their security.

  6. Can you say “conflict of interest” boys and girls?

    Judge James Boasberg just tapped Clinesmith ever so lightly on the wrist as “punishment” for lying to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

    The same Judge James Boasberg is the boss judge of that same FISC.

    Don’t you just love coincidences? /-:

  7. Treason is given a pass.
    Dark day for America.

    But then, we’re entering a whole sequence of dark days.
    It may never be light again – if they have their way.

    “… if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Contempt of court?
    Won’t that get a prole thrown into the can?
    Obstruction of Justice?
    Under color of Authority?

    Damn! Guess he’s glad he’s not one of us!

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. hi

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