FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible For Hate Crime Threat to Asians – IOTW Report

FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible For Hate Crime Threat to Asians

Summit News:

FBI crime statistics debunk the media’s narrative that white people represent the biggest violent crime threat to Asians, with figures showing whites significantly underrepresented in crime stats compared to their per capita population.

Since the killing of six Asian women who worked in massage parlors in Atlanta, the media has amplified the false narrative that “white supremacy” is to blame.

They hyped this explanation despite the fact that the attack had nothing whatsoever to do with race and despite two white women also being killed during the shooting.

Despite admitting the attack had no racial motive, CNN still blamed it on “white nationalism and domestic extremism” in an article titled ‘White supremacy and hate are haunting Asian Americans’.

However, official crime stats show that white people are significantly underrepresented in terms of the violent crime threat they pose to Asians. more

13 Comments on FBI Crime Stats Prove “White Supremacy” Not Responsible For Hate Crime Threat to Asians

  1. Try the Jesse Jackson test on Asians:
    “Would they sigh or worry if a group of blacks or whites were walking behind them?”
    EVERYONE knows the answer to that…EVERYFUCKINGBODY!
    Dems, MSM, Asians, the whole fucking world knows the truth!

    Yet last night ABC blamed TRUMP for the Atlanta attacks because he said WuFlu!
    They think everyone is as stupid as THEY are evil.

  2. Oh please. Will you leftists just stop?

    Nobody believes your lies anymore.

    You are simply ridiculous at this point.

    Let me remind you, it was democrat president Franklin Delano Roosevelt that imprisoned Japanese Americans during WWII.

    Don’t project on us Democrats. I will also remind you that it was democrats that unleashed dogs and stood in school house doorways and wore hoods and did the lynching of black people.

    It was you. Not Republicans.

    Don’t even try to go there with me.

    I will not stand for it.

  3. If the left REALLY wants a conversation about violence against asians, let’s talk about:

    1. A Demcocrat president who locked them up in concentration camps during WW2, solely based on their race.

    2. Democrat-instituted diversity quotas that rewards under-performing blacks at the expense of qualified asians for college admissions.

    3. An entire year of black-on-asian assualts, rapes, and murders that barely got any MSM coverage.

    And if they want to use that sex-crazed bible-thumping fucktard who shot these women as being representative of whites, then we can play that game, too. Every Dindu Nuthin is representative of all blacks everywhere, and every camel-raping import who pulls off a jihadi attack is representative of all Muslims everywhere.

  4. Doesn’t fucking matter. The democrats always twist stories to maximize political value for themselves. Too many Asians vote Republican; so they’re trying to make Asians think whitey is out to kill them, even though this particular murder was the work of a misogynist InCel psychopath, the democrat motherfuckers just have to push the racial angle, the exact angle they ignore when yet another Asian gets murdered by yet another black person for sport. A crime that happens all the time.

  5. I’ve yet to read ONE MSM report regarding the attacks on Hassidic Jews in Brooklyn. Those are mostly done by blacks, and to a lesser degree, hispanics. At least all the ones we see on CCTV or eyewitness reports.

    The MEDIA has steered this juggernaut of ‘White Supremecy’ lies onto the shores of World News. Now that’s being used to dismiss America of any negotiating powers. The MEDIA has isolated the USA from the World stage.

  6. Just a GoodOleBoy: “That 21 year old punk was a white supremacist, just like same people who broke into the capital, they love their guns & that feeling of power.”

    Are you being sarcastic or intentionally stupid? The dude who shot up the massage parlors (AKA “rub ‘n tugs”) is a self-confessed sex addict who was targeting places of temptation (as he put it). The women he shot and killed (8 asian and 2 whites) weren’t killed because of their race, but because they were employed as sex workers at those places leading him to sin. Even the police are saying this wasn’t motivated by racism. He’s still crazy and evil, but he ain’t a racist.

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