FBI Director Chris Wray Declassifies Large Portions of Grassley Memo – IOTW Report

FBI Director Chris Wray Declassifies Large Portions of Grassley Memo

CTH—A few moments ago Senator Chuck Grassley released an updated version of his memo which substantiates his prior Criminal Referral, against Christopher Steele, to the Department of Justice.

Last Friday Chairman Grassley asked FBI Director Chris Wray to remove the prior redactions and declassify the underlying supportive documents; known as the “Grassley Memo”.  FBI Director Wray did not remove all redactions; but did remove most.  MORE

10 Comments on FBI Director Chris Wray Declassifies Large Portions of Grassley Memo

  1. Brad, he also has said trust Sessions. And I want to trust both of them, but like you, I’m impatient as hell waiting for the shit to hit the fan for some/all of these traitors. When is it going to happen? Every week we read, this will be a big week. Then all kinds of good info comes out, and at the end of every week the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS are still free to do whatever the hell they want to do. Patience, joe6pak, patience. Hell, I’m just about out of patience.

  2. The Grassey Memo, the Trump memo. the Steele Dossier, the FISA memo. The Schiff memo, the Nunes Memo, My memo, his memo, her memo, its memo, this memo, that fucking memo. I’m sick of it all. Let’s see some hand cuffs, shackles, orange jump suits and perp walks. Enough already!

  3. Bad_Brad, I am warming up to Wray. When all the leftists who just loved them some Chris Wray last week start denouncing him as a tool of Trump, he will have my full trust. Looks to me like he was serious when he said this…

    “If I am given the honor of leading this agency, I will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Period.”

  4. I wonder how this affects Schiff’s ploy to include classified info in his Dem Memo and scream the Trump is blocking the release. If Wray comes in with his magic pen and declassifies the trivial bullshit, Schiff is denied the political theater he seeks.

  5. DJT is using plenty of 4D chess in this plan. The situation with Sessions, McMaster, Wray, and others is puzzling.

    But some of the Q and Anon posts have been fantastically encouraging. How do you defuse a bomb? That’s what he’s dealing with here.

    And I will add, a PRESS that is Captive to a foreign power or Domestic Enemy is NOT a FREE PRESS, and Perhaps need not be treated as such.

    To truly rip this demon out by the roots means the (fake) Press has to go. The whole situation truly is a bomb.

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