FBI Director James Comey: No Criminal Charges for Hillary Clinton Based on Additional Emails – IOTW Report

FBI Director James Comey: No Criminal Charges for Hillary Clinton Based on Additional Emails

UPDATE: Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacts to this breaking news, with a statement reaffirming that the Clinton’s charity, which has raised billions of dollars, is still under FBI investigation:

Breitbart: “The FBI’s findings from its criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s secret email server were a damning and unprecedented indictment of her judgment. The FBI found evidence Clinton broke the law, that she placed highly classified national security information at risk and repeatedly lied to the American people about her reckless conduct. None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should never be president.”

The original story starts below:

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI director James Comey tells Congress review of additional Clinton emails does not change conclusion she should not face charges.

Comey says that agents have “reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton” that were part of newly discovered emails.

Comey sent a letter to Congress Sunday informing them that the FBI has “not changed our conclusions” from earlier this year that she should not face charges.  MORE

68 Comments on FBI Director James Comey: No Criminal Charges for Hillary Clinton Based on Additional Emails

  1. Rat-bastard FBI director Comey caved again! I recommend that the S.O.B. resign immediately, as he’s lost a lot of friends and long-time associates in the Bureau and he’ll probably get buried under the avalanche of agent resignations that’ll show up on his desk tomorrow, piled on top of the ones already there. Then again, with that, he might just die the death of a hundred thousand paper cuts. He deserves it.

  2. If there are any undecideds out there that could be convinced by one more piece of evidence of the corruption that has taken over our government then maybe this could be viewed favorably. Just trying to be optimistic.

  3. Are we surprised, though? Really?
    I’m supposed to believe they looked through all those classified emails, from a pedophile’s computer and nothing seemed wrong at all to them? WE can’t read those emails, but a pedo who has no security clearance can have it on his computer and look all he wants, right? Or maybe even forward them to some 12 year olds to impress them. Wow. Just, wow.

  4. Whadda ya godda do around here to get indited?

    Okay, so Hillary is supposedly off the hook on this one but what about her muzzie handler Huma who signed an affidavit saying she had turned over ALL government related documents? They’ll arrest her Monday, right?

  5. I am so freaking depressed right now. Have they been playing us again? I’m starting to feel like it’s 2012 all over again. I was no Romney fan, but the thought of 4 more years of Obama sent me into mourning. And rightfully so, as it turned out.

    Please God, in your mercy, don’t let it happen again. How can 50% of the people in this country vote for that criminal old hag?

  6. Bah!
    The fastest way to become irrelevant, is to be irrelevant.
    At the top, there is no rule of law.
    I owe these fuckers no allegiance.
    Especially not to obey any damn laws
    Off with ALL their heads

  7. “I don’t understand the dog and pony show if he never planned on indicting.”

    Reportedly pressure from the rank and file forced his hand. That’s why a threat seems to make sense.

  8. BB- Okay, and since he didn’t do the right thing, what stops any of the rank and file from ‘getting even’ for it? That’s what doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t have to announce another investigation on their behalf, someone could very well leak out info from NYPD and the fbi office, same as wikileaks.
    Or just announce they want her in court on Nov 7th.

  9. Our only hope now is for the rank and file FBI employees who still value investigative integrity to come forth and release those emails over which they were threatening resignation. Surely some believe that criminal behavior needs to be punished…and that the law applies to all or to none. Our country hangs in the balance.

  10. I will pledge NO ALLEGIANCE to the flag of a corrupt United States of America And to no republic for which it stands, one divided nation, under NO God, with Tyranny and Injustice For all.

    Get off the couch never trumpers. It’s GO TIME.

  11. Rush called it. Said may have been to draw attention away from damning Wikileaks. Watch for more, because HRC is setting it up, that any big Wikileaks release this week will be fake. Setting up her excuse. Bitch.

  12. I think the answer will show itself,,,,If Comey leaves the country or retires “for health reasons”….then ya know….Th FBI can’t be involved with deciding an election so, there ya have that again…If Trump wins it’s a moot point, but if Hillary wins then there’s gonna be hell to pay by many and their confidence and anonymity is compromised….it might be time…

  13. Either Comey is a masochist, or a deal has been hammered out amongst the powers that be to keep the US government as credible as it can be for as long as it can be. That would me that Trump wins on Tuesday. If Clinton wins, then this means a complete coup by the globalists, and expect a massive shit sandwich for the foreseeable future.

  14. On Wednesday the world could burn apparently without criminal intent of anyone. No matter where the burning begins, films taken, evidence collected, and claims of responsibility it will be no ones fault and any investigations will not change the conclusion. We are living in an active lie that is ever revolving, twisting, and growing.

  15. Sub-Headline on a supposedly conservative NeverTrump site-

    “Trump supporters are in an outrage as Comey announced that Hillary is basically off the hook again.”

    Anyone else see the FUCKING PROBLEM WITH THIS????

  16. Yeah, why aren’t THEY in an outrage along with us, and a bunch of the democrats who have sense enough to see she’s criminal?! Is nevertrump admitting only the Trump supporters want rule of law?
    Very telling.

  17. An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
    Simon Cameron

    That being said: Comey would not be in that position unless they had the goods on him. He is fatally compromised and that is obvious to anyone who cares to think about what has gone on with him.

  18. It’s going to happen….isn’t it??
    We are going to have to have a revolution because the fucking fuckers that presently have the power, refuse to give it up.
    Don’t think we are not ready…..
    These fucking liberals are exactly like the fucking muslims….The only thing they understand is brute force.
    Fuck everyone of them, sorry to say that includes some of my blood relatives. Since they are so fucking stupid….tough shit.

  19. Who does this MF’er think he is? This shit for brains works for us! He is entrusted to uphold our nation’s laws as the leader of a powerful Federal law enforcement agency and he’s allowed to abdicate his fiduciary duties in the most egregious manner and jerk the citizenry around like puppets. This filthy coward, this liar and corruptor of the truth needs to be brought up on charges of dereliction of duty duty and a slew of other charges! Sickening how corruption has seeped into every facet of Government!

  20. BFH, yes, I see and understand that seemingly normalization is closer than I thought. The art of propaganda is to control the greatest number of a target audience into believing a floated narrative. If a “conservative” moniker site states “Trump supporters are…” then they are advancing the oppositions stance.

    I know that if Trump does not win the presidency the world will burn. (figuratively of course, or at least at first) There’s always hope you get the same barracks as your friends at the reeducation center.


    “Those crazy outliers over there… THEY are outraged. We, as principled conservatives, that stand against Trump, we’re not outraged.”

    Go fuck yourselves, idiots.

  22. BFH,

    “Boo hoo: Trump supporters demand FBI Director be killed for treason”

    That’s that idiot Super Mex. If you know that guy invite him over for a debate in a forum he can’t just block voices of reason.

  23. You see, when you expected this to happen, you aren’t disappointed when it does. I hope president-elect Trump informs Comey he will expect is resignation to be on his desk the day he takes his oath of office.

  24. @BFH & Bad_Brad – so it’s only Trump supporters that are outraged? Aren’t they supposed to be conservatives? Why aren’t they outraged? Or are they so deranged that they’re all for anything that hurts Trump, even if it means giving the country to filthy Hillary? I just don’t understand. People have lost their minds.

  25. What seems evident from what I’ve read on this site is that pedophilia is a requirement in order to be part of the inner circle of the democratic party (which includes some republicans, if not all of them). And it is likely that this pedophilia is recorded as part of a loyalty agreement.
    Hence Comey barks when they say “bark”, and rolls over for them too.

    We may have to do exactly what our Founding Fathers expect we would do in order to preserve the rule of law in America.

  26. riverlife_callie, Hard to tell their motive. Nobodies that stupid. Regarding your first post about being depressed. Go find Trumps event in Michigan today a listen to Ted Nuggent, and the listen to Trump. If Trump loses it’s because they stold it.

  27. Brad – I’ll do that. But I’ve been waiting to see the rally in Moon Twp, PA, since that is very near where I will be moving to and I wanted to see the crowd support for him.

    Of course, we know they’ll try to steal it. He has to win by a landslide, please God.

  28. @JDHasty:

    Comey would not be in that position unless they had the goods on him. He is fatally compromised and that is obvious to anyone who cares to think about what has gone on with him.

    Bingo. I’ve been out of the house this evening but that’s been on my mind since I heard the news this afternoon.

    Anybody remember Edwin Edwards? Gov. of LA? He famously said, “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.” Comey was video recorded in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy, or something equivalently bad or even worse. He has something in his past that he is so ashamed of that he found compromising every principle he ever had as a better option.

    If Death-eyes is declared winner of this farcical election THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY.

  29. @ Bad Brad You really are BAD 😉 You can always start a fast after your caloric intake. God probably wouldn’t mind.

    Thanks, riverlife_callie. I appreciate the company.

  30. The NYPD said they would send the records to Wikileaks to be published if the Comey Factor caved, which it did. I bet the Fibbie techs wrote a search program looking only for “Clinton is guilty”….zip returned, ergo no problem. They had no time to search anything. But Comey and his dominatrix Loretta agreed to get it out in hours…so Barky smiles and the darkness descends over our once proud free country. SO WIKI AND NYPD, DO IT.

  31. I didn’t expect anything to come from the new Weiner emails.
    They found emails that MAY be new ones and MAY have information pertaining to Clinton breaking the law. They didn’t. At least they weren’t any more damning than the previous ones. Not surprised.
    They most certainly used computer programs to screen them for duplicates and key information. Not the ideal way BUT the investigations are still ongoing. This is all such a rat maze of Clintonian assbaggery that these investigations will go on for some time. Comey simply told Congress that nothing changed.
    And, this news won’t make any difference in the election. If anything, Trump may have the advantage from this. He’s said all along the system is rigged. His supporters are more fired up than ever. The people who bailed on her won’t suddenly think she’s an angel now. Even they now believe the system is rigged.


  32. You all seem surprised.

    Indicting her now would be perfect since then Obama could pardon her.

    Be patient. If Trump wins, she’s finished after January 21. New DOJ, New FBI, new Justice Department head.

  33. if corrupt Comey won’t move on this then we need to fall back on the NYPD going after this and handing down indictments. There is some real sick shit on Weiner’s computer and it needs to be acted on ASAP.

    If clinton steals this election she will immediately be blackmailed by Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and every other Third World Shithole dictator whose intelligence agency hacked into her server.

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