FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe – IOTW Report

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin

WSJ: The surprise disclosure that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are taking a new look at Hillary Clinton’s email use lays bare, just days before the election, tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.

Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, and underlying metadata suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.

It will take weeks, at a minimum, to determine whether those messages are work-related from the time Ms. Abedin served with Mrs. Clinton at the State Department; how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the FBI; and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the Clinton email probe.

Officials had to await a court order to begin reviewing the emails—which they received over the weekend, according to a person familiar with the matter—because they were uncovered in an unrelated probe of Mr. Weiner.  more

4 Comments on FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

  1. 650,000 E-mails? 650,000!!!? How does anyone accumulate that many without clearing their cache? That aside,she is screwed. Didn’t turn over the E-mails,laptop and let an unauthorized person (dickhead husband) use and access said laptop. Even if he once had or still has clearance (he was a minor politician)it would still be a Federal crime. Obama will pardon Hillary if she loses her bid for Queen,opps ah..I mean President. But,somebody will have to take a fall. Wonder who it will be???? Weiner had better be talking states evidence. Any bets Huma takes a vacation Saudi Arabia to visit family and never comes back?

  2. @Hammy ~ a wise sage once said … “Reality’s a bitch”
    … to which Uncle ΜΟΛΩΝ would like to add ….. “….& it’ll gladly bite you right in the ass!”

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