FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference – IOTW Report

FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference

By Julie Kelly

On October 8, 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced shocking news: federal authorities had arrested several men for conspiring to kidnap and possibly kill her before Election Day. After indulging in a moment of self-pity, Whitmer quickly pinned the blame on President Trump, a man with whom Whitmer had engaged in a very public feud throughout 2020 over pandemic-related lockdowns.

Trump, Whitmer claimed, fueled the rage of alleged white supremacists and right-wing militias responsible for the dastardly abduction plot. “When our leaders meet with, encourage, or fraternize with domestic terrorists, they legitimize their actions,” Whitmer said in a televised speech. “And they are complicit.”

Earlier that day, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, also a Democrat, and officials from the U.S. Department of Justice detailed the charges in a separate press conference. “Last night, the FBI and Michigan State Police arrested six individuals charged in a criminal complaint with conspiring to kidnap the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer,” explained Andrew Birge, assistant U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan. The defendants, Birge claimed, plotted to kidnap Whitmer from her vacation cottage “before the November election.”

His office took the lead in prosecuting the six defendants, who also faced weapons of mass destruction charges.

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9 Comments on FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference

  1. The FBI is clearly an enemy of America, the Constitution, and the American People.
    They need to be disbanded; and the leadership tried, convicted, and executed.

    Sadly, there’s no other way to fix it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …so.. what? Have them arrest themselves? At the order of Pedo’s “justice” department? Have them indicted by a Democrat prosecutor, tried by a Democrat judge and found not guilty by a Democrat jury?

    Good luck with that.

    They’ve taken over the entire legal system. The “law” is just a cudgel to be used against their political enemies now, it never applies to their “friends” and every player in the game knows it.

    …so as before, nothing happens, nor will it, unless the already beaten people admit it can’t be saved and fulfill the role the Founders envisioned with the Second Amendment and the Declaration of Independence.

    …again, good luck with that.

  3. It worked – just like “Russia collusion” worked. The lies will continue to work. Corrupt elections will continue to work. No one is held accountable and the media is truly the enemy of the people.
    “Journalist” should be on top of the list as the slimiest career over lawyers and politicians.

  4. If I understand this, I can run for office in my district / county / city / state, stage a fake kidnapping by BLM activists and get elected by blaming it on BLM / Antifa?
    Not holding my breath

  5. Bush/Soros Super PACs have worked har the last 7 years to make America a “banana republioc”. I think they had success in ’20!

    Not just at the fed level; but the state level as well.

    “Gateway Pundit” has said for 2.5 years that the leftist Kemp has been protecting GWB’s DOMINION ; and the fabricated votes in Ga.
    Ga. Gove is a Bush Republican; same as Whitmer; only party is not.
    I say Bush Republicans ARE DEM!

    The Bush/Soros team are “bi-partisan”; what conservatives call UNIPARTY!

    I AGREE WITH HOFT so clearly my comment is an opinion.


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