FBI Looking Into Fake Emails Sent from Real FBI Account – IOTW Report

FBI Looking Into Fake Emails Sent from Real FBI Account

American Greatness: The FBI is currently investigating an incident where fake emails were sent out from an official FBI email account to over 100,000 inboxes, as reported by Breitbart.

In a press release, the FBI said that “the FBI and the CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] are aware of the incident [Saturday] morning involving fake emails from an @ic.fbi.gov email account.”

The FBI described it as “an ongoing situation,” but noted that “the impacted hardware was taken offline quickly upon discovery of the issue. We continue to encourage the public to be cautious of unknown senders and urge you to report suspicious activity to ic3.gov or cisa.gov.”

An international nonprofit called the Spamhaus Project, whose mission is to “track spam and related cyber threats such as phishing, malware and botnets,” tweeted a screenshot of the fake email, confirming that “while the emails are indeed being sent from infrastructure that is owned by the FBI/DHS (the LEEP portal), our research shows that these emails *are* fake.” read more

8 Comments on FBI Looking Into Fake Emails Sent from Real FBI Account

  1. We’re pretty sure there’s a person of interest in Florida who goes by the screen name “Big Fur Hat” at the core of the hack. Our agents are contacting CNN as we speak for coverage of the 3 AM raid where we bring him to justice.


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