FBI May Seek Immunity for Huma to Nail Hillary, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That – IOTW Report

FBI May Seek Immunity for Huma to Nail Hillary, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That

hillary and huma

DougRoss: Accomplished author Ed Klein, who has an superb track record for unearthing scoops regarding the Clinton Crime Family (which is the term they prefer, I hear) has another breaking report regarding Hillary’s illegal bathroom email server. Which was, I understand, a magnet for both spies and flies.
As context, please recall Hillary’s response to the question she was asked during a recent Democrat debate, to wit, whether she would step down if indicted for various crimes related to her email server, mishandling classified information, and/or other criminal activities related to the Clinton Global Graft Foundation.

She responded, “Oh for goodness … that’s not going to happen. I’m not even answering that question.”

Well, she better get ready to answer that question, because the investigation of Hillary’s email scandal is reaching a climax.  MORE

14 Comments on FBI May Seek Immunity for Huma to Nail Hillary, Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That

  1. Hillary being indicted and going to jail is ONLY in the minds of those who have abandoned any historical reference. She is a career criminal with a trail of dead bodies from D.C. to Little Rock.

    She lies more frequently than Slick Willy, but the practice has not made her any better at it. See if Vegas has a line on it.

  2. She is not aging well. She was never a looker….now she looks like the wicked witch of Jeddah. Perhaps this is why fundamentalist ragheads force their women to wear a Niqab.

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