FBI Officials Linked To Wall Street Journal and Washington Post Leaks – IOTW Report

FBI Officials Linked To Wall Street Journal and Washington Post Leaks

CTH: There has been a great deal of speculation about FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page leaking to media in their efforts to shape stories conducive to their pro-Clinton/anti-Trump efforts. Prior reporting showed the strong possibility Page and Strzok were leaking to the Wall Street Journal.

“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it,” Page texted Strzok on Oct. 24, 2016.

“Wsj? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted back, using the initials of the famed financial newspaper. “Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?” (link)

Some new information today, and some additional research, and we can not only confirm the prior suspicions outlined by John Solomon (The Hill) – but we also discover the actual Wall Street Journal reporter they were leaking to.

Yesterday Senator Chuck Grassley released a series of text messages between Page and Strzok (full pdf here). Within the release there is a portion of messaging where Lisa Page is identified on the phone with “Devlin”  MORE HERE

5 Comments on FBI Officials Linked To Wall Street Journal and Washington Post Leaks

  1. I have to wonder that when this is all done, the smoke has cleared and the swamp is drained, if the likes of these top FBI demigods and lawyers that don’t end up in jail, will be spending the rest of their life in some shithole country working as prostitutes. They have all shown that is what they are.
    Muller will be the one at the gay bar performing with a dog. But it get’s worse, Comey will be getting pegged by Hillary and Bill. Well he will be laughing the whole time. He enjoys being a cuckold.

    May God have mercy on their souls, the American people won’t.

  2. Former WSJ reporter now with WaPo Devlin Barrett was the one who wrote that Page and Strzok were having an affair. He attributed unnamed sources for his story. Those sources turned out to be Page and Strzok, “leaking” the dirt on themselves. Are your heads spinning yet?

    As sundance says:

    The Washington Post presented the story of Lisa Page and Peter Strzok having an affair to the world.

    That presentation became the underlying assumption for all reporting that followed (despite the lack of supporting evidence). That WaPo story (narrative), “The affair” was written by Devlin Barrett, who we now know was in direct contact with Page and Strzok.

    As with all new information, all assumptions – driven by that WaPo original story – should be carefully reconsidered.

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