FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million in US Tax Dollars for Administration Costs Related to the Staff’s Time Spent Working with the FBI – IOTW Report

FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million in US Tax Dollars for Administration Costs Related to the Staff’s Time Spent Working with the FBI

GP: The FBI paid Twitter millions in tax dollars to censor, suspend and harass Twitter users who only wanted to share the truth. 

Earlier today, Twitter released another traunch of tweets, this one focused on the FBI and Hunter Biden’s laptop.
In one of the tweets, Twitter reports that the FBI paid Twitter millions for their work censoring free speech.
Here is the tweet from Michael Shellenberger sharing that the FBI paid Twitter $3.4 million: more

6 Comments on FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million in US Tax Dollars for Administration Costs Related to the Staff’s Time Spent Working with the FBI

  1. LP = Listening Post
    LE = Cops IE Law Enforcer Slang

    TTR = Multi DEFs
    TTR = Things To Recognize #1
    TTR = Things To React #2
    TTR = Things To Report #3

    TTR = Traps To Rent #1
    TTR = Traps To Rats #2
    TTR = Time To Relocate #3

    Do You Want To Know More? Y/N

  2. This right here is them braiding the rope they will be hung with. This is evidence of collusion to violate the civil rights of any or all Americans.

    It is treasonous to be sure and anyone inside the FBI with any knowledge who didn’t come forward deserves to be hung. It also exposes them personally to civil liability.

    What it also does is tie in the Republican establishment. Make no mistake about it, Baker is Team Bush all the way. Team Bush was actively coordinating with Democrats. Baker is their man, he doesn’t do a damn thing the Bush/Cheney outfit isn’t aware of.


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