FBI Raids James O’Keefe’s Home – IOTW Report

FBI Raids James O’Keefe’s Home

Joe Biden’s thugs going after a journalist that did nothing wrong.


Federal authorities on Saturday searched the home of James O’Keefe, the founder of the conservative group Project Veritas, according to witnesses and people briefed on the case, a day after Mr. O’Keefe acknowledged that the group was under investigation by the Justice Department in connection with a diary reported to have been stolen from Ashley Biden, President Biden’s daughter.

The F.B.I. carried out a court-ordered search of Mr. O’Keefe’s apartment in Mamaroneck, N.Y., early on Saturday morning, after having searched the homes of two associates of Mr. O’Keefe on Thursday as part of the investigation.

An F.B.I. spokesman on Saturday said that agents had “performed law enforcement activity” at the building, but would not discuss the investigation.

Mr. O’Keefe did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday. But in a video statement on Friday, he said that his group had recently received a grand jury subpoena and acknowledged that Project Veritas had been involved in discussions with sources last year about the diary.


26 Comments on FBI Raids James O’Keefe’s Home

  1. No doubt our crooked and criminal FBI most likely planted BS things to claim they found later. Watch your back James, don’t ever forget what they did to Trump, it’s well documented.

  2. Really? Just about anyone here can spew off dozens of corrupt democrat politicians AND members of the DOJ, and this is who the FBI chooses to “investigate”? What a joke.

  3. Refresh me. This was the one where Ashley Biden states that she was molested by and forced to shower naked with her father? I had forgotten about this! Thanks, FBI, for the reminder!

  4. Cassandra Shapiro-Dawes. So the America you love is a Commie hell-hole? You are a moron. Move to China if you like this crap from the government. How can you be so stupid? Trump won! FJB.

  5. Why would the Pedo and his bitch Garland chose this to be the reason to burn down PV?

    Of all the things you wouldn’t want to give credence or attention to would be a supposedly already discredited diary that everyone had already forgotten about.

    The reflexive use of the DOJ to attack patriots and willingness of the AG to do so are not in question but of all the gin joints in the world they choose this one?

    Talk about cementing public perception. These are the simply the stupidest people on earth…

  6. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

    It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

  7. “d” you funny & stupid, we’re comin to your house next. By the way, news flash, he lost bigly time. But he left you something to hold on to, called inflation big, big bigly time.

  8. Is this supposed to distract from the Durham investigation indictments?

    Also, crickets about this at Breitbart. Are they feuding with O’Keefe. Did they get the same letter? Is DOJ playing whack-a-mole again?

  9. I think O’Keefe probably has something VERY incriminating on someone and the FBI is trying to get in front of it.
    Though it’s hard to imagine anything more incriminating than Hunter’s laptop and see what that did. (Nothing)

  10. @Cassandra Shapiro-Dawes
    O’Keefe is a “threat” to the America “you love”?
    I guess you like a fascist controlled America where real investigative journalism is not allowed.

    The FBI has been the unofficial security agency of the DNC. Wake up.

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