FBI Raids NYPD Union Offices; Union Chief Resigns – IOTW Report

FBI Raids NYPD Union Offices; Union Chief Resigns

NBC News

The FBI raided the Manhattan offices of a New York City police union Tuesday, and hours later, the union’s outspoken leader resigned.

Bearing a warrant, agents searched the headquarters of the fifth-biggest police union in the country, the Sergeants Benevolent Association, or SBA, which represents 13,000 active and retired New York City police sergeants.

Simultaneously, FBI agents searched a home in the Long Island suburb of Port Washington, an FBI spokesperson said. It belongs to Ed Mullins, who has led the union since 2002, sources said. More

16 Comments on FBI Raids NYPD Union Offices; Union Chief Resigns

  1. The FIBBIES don’t care about corruption, they just want IN on it.

    And don’t forget “The Big Guy’s” 10%.

  2. For decades, we have said that the unions are communistic and anti-American values. Nothing is done. As soon as any of them, or their leadership, opposes a Dem, or Dem policy, they are attacked by the establishment. Make your own conclusion

  3. “Make your own conclusion”

    I’m going to need more evidence to support ANY conclusion. All this article says is that the union head is suspected of some sort of wrongdoing, that’s it. Nothing can be inferred from so little information.

    Considering that he is already bringing down $222K in salary per year, you would think he would have a financial interest in keeping his nose clean.

    “Ferguson, Missouri was a lie and a nation of police have been under attack ever since.”

    He is exactly correct on this, although to be fair, a lot of the animus directed at them has been self-inflicted.

  4. Union head IS GUILTY! He quit because he is f’n guilty. Caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar. He, with the Biggest mouth got shown the door & those without sin please tell this is a wrong thing. NO ONE is above the law, including “The Former Guy”

  5. I expect the FBI to raid the Biden Crime syndicate any day.

    I have failed in my expectations before (Clintons) and realize it will never happen, no matter the corruption and high crimes.

    What? You mean there’s a two tiered justice system in the US? I’m shocked, I tell you !!

  6. Every tyranny in history has had political enforcement agencies that start out as legitimate ‘law enforcement.’ The FBI and DOJ are now such political enforcement arms of the unmasked Deep State with Biden as its figurehead.

  7. For what its worth;

    I’m a member of a union. Had to be.

    Nothing would make me happier than all the Fuckin Useless Pricks that run it being assfucked in jail for 20 years for all the shit they pull with perks, trips, pension fuck ups, expense accounts and general dog-fuckery.

  8. The union and the union head is/was/were/will be corrupt, and everyone knows it. It has been tolerated because they benefit Dems. The union stepped off the plantation, so the Dems whacked them.

  9. Those 3-letter agencies should be looked at REAL hard for child trafficking and prostitution participation. Not surprising that millions of kids and women, including native american indian women and children, are never found. PresT had committed his admin to investigate the multitudes of native american women and children gone missing or murdered by creating ‘Operation Lady Justice’ yet the wooden statue named Joe Biden himself never pursued it and never will from his own vindictive spite and ultra-jealousy against PresT.

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