FBI reportedly paid hackers to crack Syed Farooks phone – IOTW Report

FBI reportedly paid hackers to crack Syed Farooks phone

i phone terrorist fbi paid hack to search

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6 Comments on FBI reportedly paid hackers to crack Syed Farooks phone

  1. …and reportedly found absolutely nothing of importance.

    Which means they found something of importance and are keeping it from us. Hopefully the administration won’t out the info and tip off the bad guys.

  2. No. Hackers would never accept money from the government. So-called-wannabe hackers maybe, but real to Earth hackers, no! Hacking is first and foremost A-number-1 about animity, secondly it’s against authority, thirdly anything that breaks rule 1 and 2 does not apply in the mind of a hacker. Smoke meet up your ass spoon fed by your government.

  3. Cracker calling what criminals, like anon and other morons do ‘hacking’ is an insult to real hackers.
    Hacking has been and remains the way much innovation is created.
    Yes hackers work for the government and industry. Most hackers are independent people experimenting with novel uses and applications for technology.
    Every group contains criminals and reprobates. I am certain they exist in your profession. Unless you are one of them, you wouldn’t want your whole profession painted as all being like the small group of assholes that exist in it.

  4. Loco I forget the name of it, but there is an exposition of security technology every few years and experts get together to see who can get past it the quickest. All apples stuff failed miserably, the IPhone took one guy only 15 minutes.
    I agree with you, but one other point.
    The guy was dead. He had no privacy rights. Apple is trying to give equipment privacy rights. That would be akin to saying a dead mans safe deposit box could not be opened due to privacy.
    If someone were dead inside their home, would it be legal to break down the door or pick the lock?
    The stupid is strong with this issue.

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