FBI Resignations: Where Are They? – IOTW Report

FBI Resignations: Where Are They?

AT: Roughly 150 FBI agents were assigned to the Hillary Clinton email case.  It was a criminal investigation to determine if the Secretary of State violated any laws when she a) installed an unauthorized email server in her home, b) conducted State business on that server, c) sent and received classified information on that server, and d) stored classified information on that server.  If it was determined that any of the above were crimes, then a criminal indictment would apply.

Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey, announced that no charges would be sought.

Where are the FBI agent resignations?

I don’t ask this because this is a politically charged event where I can score points.  Others are doing that and they don’t need my help.  I ask because I am passing judgment on the agents who saw a crime, are now associated with the cover-up, and are now doing nothing.

I can pass this judgment because I once faced a similar decision.

After fourteen years in the Army Reserves, I had achieved my career goal of becoming a company commander.  I made that goal in the mid-80’s when I was a private (E-1) in basic training.  MORE

19 Comments on FBI Resignations: Where Are They?

  1. When Comey laid out the case against Hillary then dropped the no prosecution bombshell it was not a good day for Americans. That it wasn’t followed by resignations by the FBI was also disappointing.

    But these are long standing careers and maybe, just maybe, after having worked in a hostile environment for the last 7 and a half years, they’re hoping that Trump gets elected and they can once again go about their business with some support from a good Attorney General. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were running Obama’s agenda.

    Running out the clock.

    Of course if Trump loses, massive resignations will occur.

  2. @Frank – I’m in the same boat. My only source of solace is that these same agents are chaffing at the bit to reopen this next year under Trump’s AG. Then they’ll tear it up and go for the jugular.

    Pay back is an ill-tempered, nasty bitch that is well worth waiting for.

  3. @Sig94
    I admire your optimism regarding the FBI revisiting hillary’s crimes.
    These agents (150)and Comey have placed their careers and politics before Justice, Honor and Integrity.
    Once lost, you don’t regain it by doing what you should have done in the first place.
    I do not share your optimism. Career professional? No, political hacks and willing pawns. They are tainted as rotten apples in a barrel. The barrel needs to be cleaned out.

  4. She never a) installed an unauthorized email server in her home. Rather she a) had the help install an unauthorized email server in her home. Her job is to lie, delay, obfuscate. She will not do anything else, ever. Hell, she probably has Huma chew her food.

  5. There must be a special In-Box that holds these resignations. I venture to guess the stack of general officer resignations protesting this administration’s neglect and social engineering misadventures with the military have filled that in-box and there is a VA-style back log in processing…..

  6. @Cato – I have no use for Comey. He is the one who should have resigned. Seriously, would you have resigned your job if someone many pay grades above your head did something immoral/illegal? For four years I had the Chief of Police and the Mayor ignore my warnings about gang activity. The stats & analysis I sent up on a regular basis was ignored. I got sick of the politics and eventually retired for that and other reasons (freakin politics), but I kept up the warnings until I left.

    If you are a competent workman in your profession and still provide value to the taxpayers, why quit? It’s like some kind of professional seppuku when your master f’s it up. Those 150 agents (as far as we know) did their investigation thoroughly. If they screwed up, then – yeah – get out. But no, Comey had the information that he needed to ask for a federal grand jury to be impaneled. He went on and on talking about the evidence against Clinton in his presser. He did not lack evidence, he just didn’t have the balls.

  7. My worry would be that if those 150 agents were to resign, their slots would be filled with people that 0bama would approve of. He has corrupted the FBI to the point where that might be possible.

    Is it even possible for anything to get better while the 0bama administration is in power? It just keeps getting worse every day.

    Kudos to Karl Ushanka for standing up for his principles and what is right. That is something that nobody in the 0bama administration is capable of.

  8. The FBI is infiltrated and controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.They are rotten to the core and should be defunded and abolished.FBI resignations? Don’t make me laugh! None of them have any honor or integrity.

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