FBI returns 1527 letter from conquistador three decades after it was stolen from Mexican archives – IOTW Report

FBI returns 1527 letter from conquistador three decades after it was stolen from Mexican archives


The FBI returned a 1527 letter signed by Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés to the Mexican government roughly three decades after it went missing from the country’s national archives. 

The letter, which is a payment order for a pharmacy, was in Mexico’s National Archives with 15 other historical documents signed by Cortés that were taken from the institution in the late 1980s or early 1990s, according to Supervisory Special Agent Kristin Koch.

The letter was signed about eight years after Cortés’ expedition from Spain to Mexico that eventually led to the Aztec Empire’s downfall. more

19 Comments on FBI returns 1527 letter from conquistador three decades after it was stolen from Mexican archives

  1. Conquistadors?

    You mean the European slaughterers amd rapists of indigenous Americans who stole the wealth of the New World, colonized and enslaved ruthlessly, destroyed the native cultures and languages to an extent that EVERY CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRY not only USES a bastardized form of a European language, but WHOLLY SELF-IDENTIFIES with that language?

    THOSE Conquistadors?

    …seems like there really SHOULD be a bit of an issue with including ANYONE DESCENDED FROM THEM with the forever abused BIPOC protected group, seeing as how they ALSO bear the Original Sin of slavery that can NEVER be washed away, and may even be CONNECTED BY BLOOD WITH YT…

  2. The point is that the same over the top language can be used for Brown and Black people as it always is for White people.

    All have ancestors that did terrible things.

    None of that has any bearing on NOW.

    If White people are guilty by association, then everyone is, Mexicans, Central Americans, and South Americans not excepted. Otherwise, this crap needs to stop for everybody.


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