FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House – IOTW Report

FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House


A new report from John Solomon of The Hill ties together several loose threads floating around over the genesis of the FBI/DOJ espionage operation against the Trump campaign, who was involved in the “setup” of campaign aides, and how text messages between FBI employees suggest that the Obama White House was not only aware of the operation – but possibly directing it.


17 Comments on FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House

  1. I’m inclined to believe Susan Rice. Didn’t she say, “I didn’t leak nothing to nobody.” And, didn’t she write that wonderful CYBA memorandum to herself just after Trump was inaugurated, that President Osmidgen wanted everything done “by the book.” Therefore, anything that was done in the United States was above reproach. If those dishonest British bastards were setting up Trump’s campaign aids, then they must have not been able to read American and misunderstood the instructions to not get caught doing nothing to nobody.

  2. There isn’t a smidgeon of innocence when it comes to Obama and his corrupt administration…Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi lies and incompetence, Black Lives Matter and Muslim Brotherhood pandering, New Black Panther voter intimidation…spying on DJT, his family, and associates. Not to mention being an all-around un-American jerk.

  3. The back of Barry’s business card reads:
    Arms Dealer
    Cash for Clunkers
    Teleprompters read
    Peace Prizes stolen
    Enemies bowed to
    Allies insulted
    The American People Lied to
    Catering for Spineless, Liberal Lemmings
    Treasurys looted
    Fingers pointed
    Bushes blamed
    Red Lines crossed
    Monuments Barrycaded
    Opposing candidates spied on
    Al-Qaeda “decimated”
    Benghazi Riced
    Heathcare Grubered
    Ferguson Community Organized
    Israel fucked
    ** No Scandals **

  4. Kabuki theater.

    You know Obama could be found with a smoking gun in his hand standing over the trump campaign body and not a damn thing will come of it.
    100 times worse than Watergate, the DOJ and the FBI are complicit, the media is mostly silent and the masses are fed pablum and democrat talking points.

    Nothing will come of any of the seditious and traitorous attacks by the democrat controlled deep state. Get used to it.

  5. Keep praying for divine intervention, guys & gals. With God all things are possible.

    Pray that the president, AG, and the rest of them realize that true justice must prevail if we are ever to trust our most important institutions of justice again in this country. Damn the politics–it’s why we are in this place to begin with.

  6. The sad part is none of these forkers will ever see the inside of a court room let alone a prison cell. Senorita Sessions is is incompetent and incontinent for prosecution.


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