FBI Twitter Tip Line Goes Hilariously Wrong – IOTW Report

FBI Twitter Tip Line Goes Hilariously Wrong

pj media

The FBI issued a tweet that used a flowery script against a mauve pink background inviting Americans to “Speak Now.” “Justice is better than revenge,” the FBI’s tweet stated. “You may not be Superman, but you can help the #FBI protect the country. If you have information about a federal crime, speak now.”  The tweet also asked a question: “Do you have tip about a federal crime?” Then it listed a number of crimes, followed by the curious words “FBI’s Version.”

1. Terrorism (FBI’s Version), 2. Cybercrime (FBI’s Version), 3. Counterintelligence (FBI’s Version), 4. Civil Rights (FBI’s Version), 5. Public Corruption (FBI’s Version), 6. Weapons of Mass Destruction (FBI’s Version), 7. Organized Crime (FBI’s Version), 8. Violent Crime (FBI’s Version), 9. White Collar Crime (FBI’s Version)

-You should look into FBI agents illegally censoring Americans on social media on behalf of foreign nations. – Tom Elliot

-Hi there, I would like to report a domestic terrorist organization that has a long history of using murder, violence, entrapment, destroying/planting evidence, outright lies, and gestpo tactics in an attempt to rule and control the American populace. You may have heard of them… – Axiomatic Enemy of the State

-I got a tip about someone called Hunter who betrayed his countries and was an unregistered foreign agent. Let me know if you need more information. -Nicolas Chaillan


7 Comments on FBI Twitter Tip Line Goes Hilariously Wrong

  1. Knowing the FBI like I do, my guess is that this was a tool to flush out “Subversives (FBI’s version)…i.e. us. Those who responded like the examples in the article, are now on the FBI’s radar. My guess is this is exactly the response they wanted. Don’t take the bait.

  2. …you know why they don’t teach history anymore?

    So your grandkids can’t recognize when the devil uses an old trick.

    “Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend. Mao had used this to signal what he had wanted from the intellectuals of the country, for different and competing ideologies to voice their opinions about the issues of the day.”
    -Mao Tse Tung

    …how’d that turn out, anyway?



    …wonder if there isn’t a Little Red Book the FBI is cribbing from here…

  3. “Justice is better than revenge.”

    Sometimes, revenge is justice.

    Like when your tyrannical government steals your elections, your wealth, your rights, your health, and your children.

    “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”
    -Shakespeare, “The Merchant Of Venice”, Act 3, Sc. I

    Sometimes the only justice is a rope.

    To strangle those who would strangle their own people.

  4. “Justice is better than revenge,”

    No it isn’t. I like revenge because I can dole out justice and not see the perp walk away without punishment. That’s what we’re seeing nowadays. Don’t get mad get even.


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