FBI wanted to use White House briefings to spy on Trump, aides, memos show – IOTW Report

FBI wanted to use White House briefings to spy on Trump, aides, memos show


Donald Trump was president for only 24 hours when then-FBI supervisor Peter Strzok sent an angry missive to his boss. A colleague had given the new White House a counterintelligence briefing and hadn’t consulted on how to use the meeting to further the Russia collusion investigation.

“I heard from [redacted] about the WH CI briefing routed from [redacted],” Strzok wrote on Jan. 21, 2017, a day into the new Trump presidency after learning fellow agent Jennifer Boone had given the White House a briefing without his knowledge.

“I am angry that Jen did not at least cc: me, as my branch has pending investigative matters there,” Strzok added in his email to Assistant Director for Counterintelligence William Priestap. “This brief may play into our investigative strategy, and I would like the ability to have visibility and provide thoughts/counsel to you in advance of the briefing. more

9 Comments on FBI wanted to use White House briefings to spy on Trump, aides, memos show

  1. This is why all the ants in their pants naysayers should just cool their jets and allow Durham to do his job. We want a comprehensive thorough investigation that not only uncovers wrongdoing or protocol breaking but actual criminal activity.

    You can see how even the mighty Judicial Watch gets their information in drips and drabs from that complicit party stooge Chris Wray. Hopefully, the Federal hammer of Durham can compel swifter action but this uncovering, going through all the dirty laundry and bureaucratic layers of an uncooperative agency that is in survival mode, it takes time and dogged determination.

    There is no one more deserving of ending up in an orange jumpsuit then this band of dirty cops in the FBI. I just want it done and the information disseminated before the election, for obvious reasons.

  2. Don’t worry a bit because as Hannity tells us, 99% of the “on the ground” agents are great guys, there’s only a few bad apples.

    The teacher’s unions have turned out millions of young adults who have sought careers in our bedrock institutions. With none of the historic connections to our traditions and culture, they have undermined these institutions.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

    They all knew that the Steele File was 100% bullshit, fucking Steele said so himself yet they continued with this coup.

    Now Durham himself says by the end of the summer. So much for Barr’s declaration last fall that’d it would be May. End of summer is Sept 22…oh my, it’s just a few weeks until the election, we better wait.


  3. I thought accountability for a coup attempt and presidential election meddling would have been a priority BEFORE the next presidential election.

    Barr and Durham don’t have the option of waiting until after the next election.

  4. Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham won’t get anything accomplished if this takes until November to get finished. They must know this and have to be watching the days slip away.

  5. I can appreciate the need for a complete and thorough investigation but the fact remains, that if in November the Democrat wins (it won’t be Biden) this will all disappear. Hell, if the Trump wins but loses the Senate (and the Dems retain Congress) it will also likely disappear or get clogged up by the Dem Committees that it might as well disappear and in the meantime the attacks on Trump will continue at an even faster pace.

    Arrest warrants have to be issued no later then late August so conservatives can explain to the American people what they mean, why they were issued and the role the Democrat Party played in all of this. Then maybe the conservatives can rouse ALL their believers as well as the undecided along with a large part of the Black and Hispanic voters tired of being taken for granted to hit to polls and vote Republican in all three houses.


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