FBI Wiretap Reveals J.B. Pritzker’s Corrupt Dealings with Rod Blagojevich – IOTW Report

FBI Wiretap Reveals J.B. Pritzker’s Corrupt Dealings with Rod Blagojevich

Conservative Intel:

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich currently sits in a federal prison in Colorado. He was sentenced to 14 years after being convicted of attempting to sell Barack Obama’s vacated U.S. Senate seat.

Multibillionaire businessman J.B. Pritzker is a 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate. His long-standing relationship with Blagojevich was never a good thing for his campaign, but it’s beginning to haunt him even more now that new FBI wiretaps have been released.

The Chicago Tribute obtained recordings of conversations in which Blagojevich and Pritzker discuss candidates to fill Obama’s U.S. Senate seat. One of these candidates was Pritzker himself, but he’s heard asking the former governor to consider appointing him state treasurer instead.

“Ooh, interesting,” Blagojevich responded. “Let’s think about that. You interested in that?”

“Yeah,” Pritzker answered, “that’s the one I would want.”


10 Comments on FBI Wiretap Reveals J.B. Pritzker’s Corrupt Dealings with Rod Blagojevich

  1. All you have to do is read about Superior Bank to learn how this Pritzker family got rich in part by having their bank make thousands of loans to people that couldn’t afford them (i.e., sub-prime loans). Then when the default rate exploded they declared their bank insolvent and the feds came in and cleaned things up. Meantime they skimmed tens of millions of dollars off through high fees and exorbitant salaries.
    Superior was one of the very first banks to do the subprime/insolvency dance – like in 2000, way before the financial collapse of 2008 – they taught the others how to do it.
    The Pritzkers funded Obama way back at the start. The corruption ties go deep. Very very deep.


  2. Look at how paralyzed Illinois’ government is without a future felon at the helm!

    Say what you want about Barack Obama. He, obviously, kept government busy.

  3. It’s still such a shame that Obama wasn’t also charged along with him. After all, didn’t Obama SELL HIS OWN SEAT to Blagojevich? The criminal world (our own government) is such a twisted place.

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