FBI’s Wray launches internal investigation into its handling of Michael Flynn case. No, For Real. Stop Laughing. He’s super serious! – IOTW Report

FBI’s Wray launches internal investigation into its handling of Michael Flynn case. No, For Real. Stop Laughing. He’s super serious!

Just The News: FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday ordered an internal investigation into the bureau’s handling of the Michael Flynn case, just two weeks after the Justice Department declared that it was dropping the case against him and that federal investigators had no standing to interview the general in early 2017. MORE

15 Comments on FBI’s Wray launches internal investigation into its handling of Michael Flynn case. No, For Real. Stop Laughing. He’s super serious!

  1. Christopher Wray: “I intend to get to the bottom of this investigation…..heh heh….snicker, snicker….guffaw, guffaw…roll on floor laughing…can’t breathe…..need oxygen….turn off…camera……”

  2. Sorry, not impressed. Do not trust Wray. Was lead to believe he is a Pit Bull. So far he’s been as impressive as an old toothless Poodle with hearing and vision problems. Prove me wrong.

  3. “FBI Director Christopher Wray held a press conference Thursday afternoon after the DOJ inspector-general released his report on James Comey and the handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe. Wray said employees will undergo training on objectivity and avoiding conflicts or political bias.“—Real Clear Politics June, 2018


    Go to hell, Wray. Clean out your desk and go straight to hell.

  4. If you ain’t flayin’
    You just playin’
    Start kicking some damn doors in already.
    I want to see some perp walks or it’s all bullshit.
    And don’t ever bother me again.


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