FDA Opens Comments for COVID-19 Jab for Babies and Toddlers Ahead of Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting – IOTW Report

FDA Opens Comments for COVID-19 Jab for Babies and Toddlers Ahead of Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting

Instructions on how to comment are at the links below:

WLT: The Food and Drug Administration’s ‘Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee’ will meet on June 14th and 15th to review the COVID-19 shot for children between the ages of six months and five years.

The agency has opened the site for comments.

Comments received on or before June 7th will be provided to the committee.

Comments received after June 7th and by June 13th will be taken into consideration by the FDA.

At the time of writing, the site has 5,119 comments. more

11 Comments on FDA Opens Comments for COVID-19 Jab for Babies and Toddlers Ahead of Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting

  1. We have no idea what the consequences of these shots might be long term for adults, let alone children and babies.

    Has everyone forgotten about thalidomide? How can any doctor even dream of injecting our most precious with an untested product like this???

  2. They can shove their death shots. I am looking forward to joining the class action suits.
    My father passed away Sun morning. 5 months after the shots. We weren’t close but kept in touch. He was a conservative Christian.
    He believed the shots killed hum.
    After 83 of never being sick, within a few months of shots he had pneumonia, myocarditis (sp?) and his heart was so weak they couldn’t operate.

    They’re knowingly killing people and now they want to kill babies.

  3. I have a relative who can’t wait to get his one-year-old baby the jab. He is a medical professional. He should know better but his wife runs the family and he better let her have her way or else.

    God have mercy on these innocent lives.


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