FDA Reports Over 6,000 Deaths From Puberty Blocking Drug – IOTW Report

FDA Reports Over 6,000 Deaths From Puberty Blocking Drug

Christian research network

(Amanda Prestigiacomo – Daily Wire) More than 6,300 adults have died from reactions to a drug that is used as a puberty blocker in gender-confused children, Food & Drug Administration data reportedly shows.

“Between 2012 and June 30 of this year, the FDA documented over 40,764 adverse reactions suffered by patients who took Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron), which is used as a hormone blocker. More than 25,500 reactions logged from 2014-2019 were considered ‘serious,’ including 6,370 deaths,” The Christian Post reported on Thursday. More

16 Comments on FDA Reports Over 6,000 Deaths From Puberty Blocking Drug

  1. I’m completely in the dark here. Why would anybody take a drug, (or even manufacture one), that delays puberty? Isn’t it after puberty when a person finds out what or who they are sexually attracted to?

  2. I’d like to see the numbers broken down into categories such as age range, real gender, prescribed for a different medical reason (non gender change), reaction degree and whether they stopped trying and perhaps a few others. I’d also like to know whether the doctors are giving full information to parents (and patients) of the risks involved. That’s an awful lot of deaths to go unpublished.

  3. The drug is used as palliative care for late stage prostrate cancer. I’d expect most of the deaths to be cancer patients in bad health. I would be surprised if there were 6000 prepubescent kids in the US with gender dysphoria, even with the left attempting to manufacture them…

  4. The people who are dying are adults. What adult wants to be seen as a pre-teen?

    People who are into pedophilia and human traffickers who want to keep their slaves ‘young’ for their clients.


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