FDA says 561 deaths tied to recalled Philips sleep apnea machines – IOTW Report

FDA says 561 deaths tied to recalled Philips sleep apnea machines

The Food and Drug Administration says 561 deaths have been reported in connection to recalled Philips devices to treat obstructive sleep apnea and other breathing disorders.

18 Comments on FDA says 561 deaths tied to recalled Philips sleep apnea machines

  1. How’s does that compare to deaths from the covid vax?

    That’s a trick question because the vax numbers are impossible to count because the same FDA won’t acknowledge them.

  2. Tim

    Not a trick! Just because the government is crooked does not invalidate the question. It is GOOD, VALID, IMPORTANT QUESTIoN!

    Why I voted Ronny 9 times NO REGRETS!

    A conservative, Dem, union president – 1st time Im to my knowledge – in 1947, “…THEGOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!?!?”>

  3. This was back when Reagan was the President of the screen actor’s guild. And before McCarthyism and HUAC in the early 50’s soured him on liberalism and turned Reagan into a conservative. If Reagan ever was a liberal, he was a classical liberal in the old sense that he still believed in truth before it was corrupted by the left to hate everything about America and its founding.

  4. Just when did our FDA first hear the alarm bells going off? 561 deaths seems to me like their checks and balances are set too phucking high! Just how long have they been in on the “reduce world population mission”??? BS BS on BS!! Any other companies selling sleep apnea machines with high death/murder numbers do they know about? Asking for still breathing Americans who are/were paying FDA wages and benies for some unknown reason.

  5. I’m guessing that number just refers to the home users of CPAP machines because the hospitalized patients strapped in and hooked up to BIPAP machines were ‘covid deaths,’ doncha know… Case settled. 561 families will be compensated… Move along… Pay no attention to the mass murdering bureaucrat MF’ers who orchestrated exponential numbers of deaths in hospitals with their BIPAP and ventilator protocols…

  6. I actually had an old one I just kept around for a back up and checked the serial number and I I will be getting back $168.24 for something I haven’t used in 15 years, hell, I will send it back and get my fiat bucks!

  7. FDA? That’s one of them there alphabet agencies ain’t it. Don’t trust them alphabet agencies, no siree.

    Maybe this is true and maybe it isn’t. Maybe Philips ceased forking over the graft to one of the higher ups at the FDA and this is the result. There are a slew of different scenarios that could be in play.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. When your alphabet agency is caught lying repeatedly I must assume that what you’re telling me now is unworthy of consideration.


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