FDA Wants To Take Over 50 Years To Release All Its Pfizer Vaccine Approval Documents – IOTW Report

FDA Wants To Take Over 50 Years To Release All Its Pfizer Vaccine Approval Documents

Team Tucker Carlson

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents in its possession tied to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s request was made in a filing as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a medical transparency group.

The government told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the FOIA request and proposed releasing 500 pages per month to allow for redactions of exempt material. At that rate, the FDA would fully release the records in question in just under 55 years.

The plaintiff, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), is a group of doctors and scientists, including Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health. More

11 Comments on FDA Wants To Take Over 50 Years To Release All Its Pfizer Vaccine Approval Documents

  1. Sheeeeeeeeeee it!!
    What the Hell! Good luck with that!
    They still haven’t released the secret government files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy yet some 58 years later!!

  2. Why the need for redaction? Why are government agencies allowed to hide details of their activities from the nation’s citizens? Why aren’t we allowed to know what the hell our government is up to? This is not representative government, this is dictatorship.

  3. It can’t be proprietary concerns given that there are two other covid vaccines based on the same spike protein mRNA information.

    The more the government tries to hide its activities the more the public should push to expose it.

  4. If there is not welling inside you a righteous outrage about all our government is doing, you are not an independently thinking, legitimately patriotic citizen.

    FJB. FFDA. FpFizer. Ffauxi. FthisJab. Ftrillion$ofgraft. Fmedicalmandates.

  5. If someone implies that Donal Trump is a major stockholder in Pfizer than the FDA would reales them by tomorrow afternoon.

    Another thought: it will take 50 years to get all those documents released, but they were able to go though those documents in mere months to authorize the “vaccine?”

  6. Could it be because the FDA and Pfizer both know in 50 years no one who vaccinated with Pfizer spiked proteined poison will still be alive…

    Non covid deaths among the “vaccinated” is already spiking! (excuse the pun) Hell maybe all the vaccinated will be dead with a decade or less of getting the jab. Cancer deaths are rising now.

  7. ^^^ “…they were able to go though those documents in mere months to authorize the “vaccine?””

    yes, but actually, no.
    the vaxxine being forced in the US is not the ‘approved’ vaxxine, comirnity or whatever the name is. They say they are identical, but they won’t use the ‘approved’ version in this country, because it would lose them the EUA, and also their exemption from liability.


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